Thursday 9 February 2023

Whole Armour of God Part 7

Whole Armour of God Part 7

The final weapon of the whole armour of God is to pray in the Spirit. It's the seventh part, and 7 speaks of perfection. God's armour is perfectly complete and completely perfect.

...praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. - Eph 6:18

The word 'times' is 'kairos', which means 'the opportune time to take full advantage of.' 

The enemy also understands this. In Luke 4:13, after tempting Jesus (but failed), satan waited for an opportune time (at the Garden of Gethsemane) to tempt Jesus. The cup of death was close as He fought the enemy with blood (sweat). But He was delivered by the Father (Heb 5:7) from death at the Garden.

Since it is a weapon, praying in the Spirit empowers the Spirit to find opportune time through us to attack the enemy. It will be the time where we can take full advantage of.

Praying in the Spirit is not limited to praying in tongues. It means communion with the Spirit of God. But praying in tongues is probably the most effective approach for praying in the Spirit, since Paul prayed in tongues mostly (1 Cor 14:18). It also covers all prayer and supplication (Rom 8:26-27).

When we pray in the Spirit (especially in tongues), the Spirit of God not only helps us find the opportune time to attack the enemy, He also protects us from the opportune time sought out by the enemy.

Divine protection comes by advancing the Kingdom and crushing the enemy with all the weapons of the whole armour of God (Luke 10:19).

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