Wednesday 22 February 2023

Multifaceted Wisdom

Multifaceted Wisdom

I saw a transparent tube with multiple colours. And it says, "This is the multifaceted wisdom of God in you." (Eph 3:10)

Since Christ is our wisdom from God (1 Cor 1:30; 1:24) and in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3), the multifaceted wisdom of God is within us, since Christ is in us.

We are not asking God for more wisdom from heaven (yes, I know about the book of James for a brand new church). 

We have all the wisdom needed for every situation on earth. It's about learning to draw it out from within, to appropriate the multifaceted wisdom by grace through faith.

There is only one simple principle in the Kingdom. Yet it is the hardest to live by because every ounce of our soul wants to strive and do something more. This is why we are commanded to strive to enter into His rest.

Everything has been given through Christ. Thus, we appropriate His finished works by grace through faith.

There is more. Not more, Lord. But more for us to step into because of the identity of sonship.

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