Tuesday 21 February 2023

Faith Is Confidence

Faith Is Confidence

Since faith is the confidence (Heb 11:1a) of God's given title deed (title of possession) based on the evidence in His written Word (Heb 11:1b), your confidence reveals your faith.

Some might understood it as arrogance. There is a difference. 

Confidence comes from God's persuasion. Arrogance comes from the need for persuasion. Confidence comes from God's assurance. Arrogance comes from insecurity needing assurance.

When we say what the Word says, we speak what God speaks and that is confidence (aka faith).

When ministering healing, that few seconds of confidence will determine the result of what we eventually see. If you do not know whether you have faith for the situation (since it cannot be measured at that moment), have confidence.

The Kingdom works by confident expectation (Mark 11:24). It releases heaven on earth (Matt 16:19). It is a principle that will work in every area, since truth does not change nor waver.

Confident expectation brings forth meetings encounters (such as Asbury). I won't use the term 'revival' because the meaning is very different. Only the spiritually dead needs revival. There is no method or 'to-do' list to bring forth encounters. It's not in the Bible.

Only confident expectation. Because faith always appropriates grace (that which is already done and finished 2000 years ago). God is not doing something new. It is us appropriating what He already did through Christ ---- to be able to enter the Holy of Holies (His manifest presence) without any veil or separation.

If we are waiting for God to do something, it is no longer faith. The general church, by and large, is still having this terminology. 

Faith is the confidence that God has done it, and therefore, we expect it. The New Age understands this more than many Christians. And yet when we hear such terminology and lingo, we label the Christian as having New Age mentality, forgetting that they copied from the Word.

I love seeing and experiencing corporate worship gatherings. I equally love one-to-One worship. What matters most is to see faith demonstrated confidently in every area of life, not just in religious meetings. That is the Gospel that Jesus lived.

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