Wednesday 1 March 2023

"I Remember Your Sickness No More"

"I Remember Your Sickness No More"

Sins and sicknesses are often correlated in the Scriptures. What Christ bore for one, He bore for the other (Isaiah 53:4, 53:12; Ps 103:3; Matt 8:17, 9:5-6).

Since God said that He remembers our sins no more, we are to agree with Him by remembering our sins no more. That's the God-kind of confession.

This does not mean that we can go ahead and sin as we like. For that is not a true revelation of grace.

By remembering our sins no more, we are to remember our righteousness in Christ (2 Cor 5:21). The more we remember that we are right with God through Christ, the more we will naturally and effortlessly live right. That's the power of grace.

In the same light, God remembers our sicknesses and diseases no more. He dealt with them once and for all through the body of Christ (1 Peter 2:24; Matt 8:17; Isa 53:4-5), just as He did with sin through the sacrifice of His Son.

God sees us healthy in the same way He sees us righteous. For He sees in the spirit ---- our true identity. You are not your flesh or body. You are not your soul. You are in the spirit.

We agree with God by remembering our sicknesses no more. However, the doctors and the bodily symptoms will always try their best to help you remember that the sickness is still there. We find it hard to forget because the medical report speaks pretty loud; the feelings and the visual/bodily symptoms speak pretty loud.

This is when we need to be 'forgetful' and 'forget' our sickness. Instead, we remember that we are healthy (in the spirit). We forget the sickness by acting/living as though we are healthy. For the righteous shall live by faith.

The principle is very simple, but it is hard in practice because our mind and our mouth like to say otherwise.

Some time ago, I fell from the chair. I stood on it to adjust the curtains. I landed on my left arm and back. My left shoulder was injured. The next day, I woke up with pain.

So I ministered to myself, and did push-ups immediately. If I was healed, I could do push-ups. I didn't believe myself into acting. I acted myself into believing. The pain disappeared on the same day.

A few days later, I had a quick thought, "How is my shoulder?" And the pain returned! So I deliberately made a decision to forget about my shoulder. Before I knew it, the pain was gone.

The same principle of 'remembering your sin no more' applies to 'remembering your sickness no more'.

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