Friday 31 March 2023

Deliverance Part 1

Deliverance Part 1

I have attended inner healing and deliverance courses and training in the past. Yet when I understood the New Covenant, I realised that they didn't have any New Covenant Scriptures to teach the truth on deliverance.

Ministry can set you free, but only truth will keep you free (John 8:32). Over the years, I have people coming to us for inner healing and deliverance. They had been 'set free' by other ministries but the symptoms/issues kept coming back. What they experienced might be true (at that point in time) or perhaps psychological, but true deliverance has to do with knowing our identity.

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son... - Col 1:13

Many believers are still waiting for another deliverance session when the Bible says that we have already been delivered from the domain of darkness. The word 'domain' in Greek is 'exousia', which means authority. The enemy has NO MORE authority over us as soon as we are born again in the Kingdom. Our chains have been broken immediately when we are in Christ.

You are not trying to get free. You are already free. But if you don't know that you are already free, you will still act and live in bondage. If you do not know that Satan has NO MORE authority over you, you will continue to act as though you are being controlled/influenced by him.

If Satan has no authority over you, it means that you are now under Christ's authority. You can no longer say, "I am oppressed by the enemy, so I couldn't help but live this way." The reality is this... you CHOOSE to live that way. No one is controlling you except you.

The first step to deliverance is to know that you have already been delivered when you are born again.

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