Monday 3 April 2023

Deliverance Part 2

Deliverance Part 2

What if I told you that knowing that you have been delivered is actually the deliverance that you need in your life?

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son... - Col 1:13

Many believers are still waiting for another deliverance session when the Bible says that we have already been delivered from the domain (authority) of darkness. The chains have already been broken when the Deliverer enters your life ---- when you are born again.

You are not trying to get free. You are already free. But without knowing this truth (Jn 8:32; Rom 12:2), you will still continue to act and live in bondage.

The works of the flesh (Gal 5:19-21) are in the domain of darkness. But the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) is in the kingdom of God's beloved Son. 

The Bible says that we have been 'transferred' from the domain of darkness to Christ's Kingdom. The word 'transfer' means 'change of situation or place'.

This means that if you were enslaved to sin, oppression or depression, now you are free from it, because there is a change of domain. You are now under Christ where the fruit of the Spirit is.

And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. - Gal 5:24-25

Since we have been transferred to Christ's kingdom, we have crucified (past tense) the flesh which was under the domain of darkness. You are not trying to crucify it. It is already done when you are born again unto Christ. 

This means that the flesh has no more control over you. Sin, oppression and depression have no more control over you.

Because we are in Christ, we are living in the Spirit (in Christ). Living in the Spirit has to do with the domain which you are now under. It is not about your actions and behaviours ------ for these are about walking in the Spirit.

Deliverance ministries will be out of ministry when believers know that the Deliverer has already set you free. What is left is knowing the truth on who you really are in Christ now that you are born again.

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