Thursday 20 April 2023

Food That Are Good

At Creation, every food created for Adam and Eve was good. They were mainly vegetarians (Gen 1:29).

After the Fall, every food created for Noah and his descendants was good. They were allowed to eat meat except blood (Gen 9:3-4). For the blood was sacred and it was a shadow of the True Substance that was coming.

During the sacrificial system (the Law), every food created for Israelites was good, except a list that they couldn't eat (Lev 11). There was a need for separation between Israel and all pagan nations to distinguish the God whom they worshiped. Blood was also not allowed to be eaten (Lev 17:13-14) as the sacrificial system was pointing to the One who was to come.

At Redemption (Christ's finished works), every food created for mankind was good (1 Tim 4:5) and can be eaten, including the blood.

However, in Acts 15, we saw the beginning of the progression from Judaism into Christianity where the Gentile believers were told not to eat blood. This was to protect the fellowship with Jewish believers.

At a later stage, Paul revealed the truth (Rom 14:20-23) --- your eating should not offend/stumble fellow believers.

The New Covenant truth for food is as follows:

...through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who... require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. - 1 Tim 4:2-5

This reveals a few things:

1) Every food created by God is good
- You can be vegan, vegetarian or meat-eater. It is still good as long as you acknowledge the Source. For health does not largely come from what you eat, but who you worship

2) Abstinence from certain food is not from God
- You can abstain from any food if you wish to, but it is not legalistic. You should not teach others to do so or impose on others.

3) Lab-produced meat or plant-based meat are not meat and they are not created from God
- Plant-based meat is simply plant. So don't try to re-package it as meat. It doesn't work that way. It's like calling a boy, female and a girl, male.
- Lab-produced meat is not meat. So don't try to re-package it as meat. It doesn't work that way. It's like calling an alien, human.
- These are NOT created from God and therefore they are NOT good. So if you eat them, the source is not God but men trying to be god.

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