Saturday 25 March 2023

Tithing and Sowing & Reaping

Tithing and Sowing & Reaping

Tithing always works, just as giving always works. You reap what you sow. It is an earthly principle that God has established --- the law of giving and receiving.

Faith always works. You reap what you did not sow. It is a heavenly principle that the Father has provided --- by grace through faith.

The earthly principle (including tithing) applies to all men, including non-believers. But the heavenly principle applies to sons and daughters who know their Father.

The institution, in general, teaches you to live by faith ---- the heavenly principle. But when it comes to finances, they teach you to live by the earthly principle.

The pure Gospel is offensive to the religious because it is MORE than sowing and reaping. If it relies purely on sowing and reaping, we will still be under the law and be in hell. 

Sons and daughters need to know that the Gospel is much more than sowing and reaping, because all that the Father has is yours.

P.S: Tithing is an Old Covenant principle that is based on sowing and reaping. The New Covenant principle is 'freely you have received, freely give'.

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