Friday 24 March 2023

God Is The Righteous Judge

In the past two years, many Christians reflected the world more, because the ancient technique of fear from the ancient serpent still works effectively. We forget that the Ancient of Days still holds the true authority.

What is preached as wisdom is still fear in disguise, because the Kingdom wisdom is nothing like earthly wisdom. Kingdom wisdom is first pure, full of good fruits and without partiality.

What is preached as honour is still fear in disguise because the Kingdom honour is nothing like earthly honour. It is not based on titles and positions. Kingdom honour honours a little child and the least just the same as the high and mighty.

What is preached as love is still fear in disguise because Love & Truth are on the same side of the coin. The rest is, but sensuality. When nobody is willing to take a stand, yet says, "I am protecting the relationships around me (including my marriage)", it is driven by fear.

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Tim 1:17

They are not to be separated. Love, power and sound mind are all on the same side in oneness.

The word 'sound mind' in Greek means 'aptly acting out God's will by doing what He calls sound reasoning'. This is, in fact, Romans 12:2 ----- a renewed mind does the will of God and manifests/proves it. 

A sound mind is simply one that thinks in alignment with His Word. The opposite is true. A crazy mind is one that thinks according to the patterns of the world.

When we walk in power, love and a sound mind, it immediately and automatically exposes fear disguising as wisdom, honour and love. People around us will either feel condemned and cut off the relationship OR they feel convicted and build deeper with us so that we grow in the Kingdom together.

I especially dislike those who preached at the pulpit that it's okay to take the j-a-b-b-b, and they secretly took non-Five-zer behind their sheep to protect themselves. It is fear disguised as love, honour and wisdom in front of their sheep. 

If they took the same, that's fine because they took what they preached. Unfortunately, there are some who did otherwise and took the safer option behind their sheep. After two years, everything is exposed. Perhaps they should leave the pulpit and work on building their faith before they go back and preach to their sheep. There is no condemnation in Christ, but that doesn't mean that they should stay at the pulpit.

So many innocent lives are lost. And for that, God is the Righteous Judge on that Day.

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