Monday 27 August 2018

New Age Lady

A New Age Lady was drawn to us because she saw the cards we were using. She asked, “Where did you get these cards?”

She wanted to use the cards to do spiritual reading on one of our people. In other words, she wanted to challenge us.

We spoke up plainly and said, “We are Christians. We actually don’t depend on the cards. In fact, we threw away the whole manual, because we lean on the Holy Spirit to do reading.”

In such case, we intentionally put the cards aside. We looked at her and said, “You have back problem.” She said, “Yes, it has been hurting for ages.”

We said, “Because your spine is not straight.” She nodded, “Yes. It is not.”

We ministered to her and her spine was straightened and healed. She questioned, “What did you use? I could feel energy coming out.”

God spoke and we said, “5 years ago, you went into deep disappointment, and you began to search for hope and peace. In fact, that was the reason why you ended up in New Age.”

She nodded and said, “Yes, you are right. And I’m searching for hope and peace.”

We answered, “There is a greater hope than this. He is the Hope of glory. And there is a greater peace than this. His name is the Prince of peace. He is Jesus.”

We shared the Gospel with her. She was almost going to cross the line of faith to receive Him, but she said, “Let me have abit more time to search.”

Since we are not after salvation numbers for the sake of clocking another testimony (because we want genuine salvation), we told her that Jesus loves her and she could continue to discover more. The seed was sown and the Gospel was both demonstrated and presented. The harvest is on its way.

If the Gospel doesn’t include the Cross, and Jesus as the only Way, then it is a watered-down Gospel that pleases men (due to fear of men). It is better to have someone hear the Gospel and decide that he is not ready to accept, than to have someone hear a feel-good incomplete Gospel and accept it, thinking that he is saved (when he is not). 

We need to be unashamed of the Gospel, just like what apostle Paul preached.

Some believers are concerned with the cards we use. There are always different schools of thoughts. To each his own. But my personal stand and conviction is very clear - Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We cannot afford to have any room for fear. What we touch is more powerful than what touches us. If it isn’t that way, then it is better not to go for massage or visit Chinese sinseh, because they are touching you.

The New Age must bow to the Rock of Ages because He is the Original, the Beginning and the End.

Our desire is that these people who genuinely seek for peace and hope, find the Prince of Peace and the Hope of Glory. Jesus! #xperiential #newageoutreach #rockofages

Monday 20 August 2018

Your Conscience

Last afternoon, I was at my mum-in-grace’s place and my sis-in-grace offered me much herbal and tonic stuff.

Within an hour or so, I had home-made herbal chicken soup, home-made herbal longan drink and home-made bird nest.

Since I was young, I disliked herbal and tonic stuff. I don’t really like the taste. That’s why herbal bah kut teh, not matter how popular the stall is, will always be bad in my eyes. Teo Chew bah kut teh suits me better.

I also learnt from my parents since I was young, that herbal and tonic stuff are usually ‘heaty’ for the body. While some go after herbal and tonic stuff to build up the health of their bodies, I don’t.

Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong to take those stuff. It’s just my personal preference and personal conviction.

While I don’t like these stuff, I decided to drink all of them, because my sis-in-grace has been very kind to me and I didn’t wish to reject her kindness.

My conscience wasn’t doing so good as I was drinking them. The old man said, “Hey, why are you drinking so much of these stuff? Herbal chicken soup, herbal longan drink and bird nest. It’s heaty for your body, you know? Why are you taking so much? It’s not good for your body.”

(By the way, the ‘old man’ is not referring to my father-in-grace or an old man. It refers to the old nature before Christ. It’s the carnal mind.)

Cut the long story short, I felt discomfort with my throat, tongue and body that night. I woke up this morning feeling a tad unwell - throat, tongue and body. I felt chilly.

Now I haven’t felt this for a real long time, since the revelation of divine health. So I knew where the problem was. My conscience. Period.

While partaking the Holy Communion, I took my own sweet time to appreciate the Body and the Blood even though the order of service was already at the offering segment. I thanked Him that the Body removed every effect of sin & curse, and the Blood reversed them all so that I have what He has.

After that, I didn’t know when and how, and every symptom left completely.

And now, I just finished the whole packet of Dorito chips. I think potato chips are healthier than herbal and tonic products.

Your conscience is the benchmark for your faith. The Bible says that if you shipwreck your conscience, you shipwreck your faith. I can’t tell you how many times the conscience thing had given me victory in the area of health, and how some times it landed me in trouble.

Whatever that is received with thanksgiving is good and sanctified. But don’t go beyond your conscience. Either we grow it or we don’t go beyond it. It’s not a method. It’s a revelation. Jesus!

Thursday 16 August 2018

The Key To The Prophetic

Everyone is prophetic if you realise your identity as a son/daughter. The manifestations of the Spirit in 1 Cor 12 are not for the elite but for every believer because you are chosen, appointed and anointed by Christ.

Gifts are grown by trying.
Fruit is grown by trusting.

The reason why many believers do not walk in the manifestations of 1 Cor 12 is because they don't know that they can develop (try) what is already given to them --- the Holy Spirit who has ALL the gifts.

Having said that, there are always people who want the supernatural so much that they have gone weird, and sometimes flaky. You don't have to shout "fire, wind or water", shake your body/hands and manifest yourself in order for the power of God to move. If it is from God, you don't have to try so hard. If it is not, no matter what you do won't result in power. Stop trying to help God do what He can and will do. Many of the most powerful moments that I personally witnessed and experienced are gentle and quiet.

I cannot imagine Jesus doing that. Throughout the Gospel, He was supernaturally natural. He was normal. People were drawn to Him. He didn't go around shouting, "Fire of God! Wind of the Holy Spirit!" He was simply loving people wherever He went. The way He touched the leper must be so gentle that He left the leper healed not just physically, but also emotionally.

And we are called to be conformed to His image - which means 'all that He is'.

Many people want to go after many conferences and seminars to learn about moving in the prophetic gifts. I used to do that too. But I have learnt that the motivation to move in the prophetic empowers you more than the seminars you attend. In a nutshell, there is ONE simple KEY to the prophetic. It is not complicated. You don't need to attend a series of seminar to learn how to move in the prophetic.

Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong to desire to grow in the prophetic. But it is not for oneself. It is for others. It is not meant to exalt and lift up one's ego. It is meant to lift up others so that they know the God of Love and their God-created value.

But earnestly desire the greater gifts. And I show you a STILL MORE EXCELLENT WAY. - 1 Cor 12:31 (emphasis added)

The word 'excellent' in Greek means 'beyond measure'. There is a way to grow in the prophetic beyond measure. It is THE WAY of LOVE (1 Cor 13).

If faith works through Love (Gal 5:6), it means that Love releases the confidence to walk in all that God has given to us --- including the prophetic.

Having reached out to thousands of people in the streets of Singapore as a lifestyle, I realise that whenever I pursue in loving someone, the prophetic flows out naturally. Words of knowledge, words of wisdom, prophecies and healings simply flow out when I focus on Love.

In that place, I don't need to worry if I have gotten a right word from God or whether I have heard God correctly or not. You don't prophesy accurately to feel good or feel affirmed. You are already affirmed by the Father because of Christ. And even if you heard wrongly, the desire to love a person will still touch his life and sow the kingdom into him. If you are just trying to gain the 'accuracy statistics of the prophetic', then you miss the point completely.

You don't minister to get a testimony FOR God.
You minister because you are the testimony FROM God.

The reason why miracles and the prophetic flow so easily in missions fields is because we love the people. The reason why we don't see the same results in Singapore is because we need to grow in loving our own people.

While believing can produce some results, only Love produces the right belief to have consistent results like Jesus. For He is LOVE. And He never changes wherever He goes.

There is ONE simple KEY to grow and move in the prophetic ------ LOVE. You will realise that when you go on to love someone in the streets, God will give you the flow of heaven's messages for the person you are reaching out to.

The Gospel is simple. Don't make it complicated.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Running Your Race

Running Your Race

I was a marathon runner many years ago. I went for the full 42 km. The greatest motivation for perseverance and strength is to simply SET my eyes on my personal goal.

I had no time to look behind. I might trip and fall.

I couldn't be distracted to look to the sides. It would slow me down if I began to compare myself with them.

I had no strength to compete with the one ahead of me. If I were to force myself to get into his position, I would burn out before the finishing line.

Thus, I kept my eyes on my personal goal. I was running with thousands and thousands of people, but I had my own, personal race.

When running your race in the kingdom of God, there will always be people COMPETING with you, COMPLAINING about you and ACCUSING you. Some simply cannot take it when you are radical in the way you run the race.

You don't abide by their rules.
Your don't abide by their preferred standards.
You don't abide by whether it is good or bad in their eyes.

You only abide in HIM - Jesus. For it is the race He has given to you personally.

The best response is to KEEP RUNNING STRONG AND RUNNING WELL towards the finishing line of your own race.

Phil 1:6 - He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Ignore competition. Focus on completion.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Follow-Up On The Lost

Follow-Up On The Lost

Some asked, “If you reach the lost in the streets, how do you disciple and follow up with them?”

The truth is...

1) Jesus reached out to the multitudes but He could only disciple 12. You don’t have the capacity to disciple multitudes. If you can, there is a high chance you are not really discipling them.

2) The religious ones who asked such question usually don’t even reach out to the lost in the streets on a lifestyle basis.

3) Just because we can’t disciple someone does not mean we don’t reach out to him. If someone is dying physically in the streets, you want to do CPR in order to save him. However, you don’t have the capacity to follow up with him like a paramedic or a doctor. You won’t say, “Since I can’t follow up with him, I better don’t do CPR. Let him die.”

Similarly, if someone is dying spiritually in the streets, we want to share the Good News so that he can be saved. Whether we can follow up on him or not is a totally different issue from getting him saved.

4) Apparently, there is Someone called the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit who guides and the Spirit who teaches. He is able to cause anyone to grow through various ways, including linking him with someone who can disciple him. Don’t try to limit the work of God with the work of man. He is bigger. Some plant the seeds; some water; but it is He who brings the increase.

Religion tries to stop you from doing what is good to justify its lack. Love doesn’t stop and Love doesn’t give an excuse because Love never fails.

Wife’s Healing

I was driving when the sole of my left foot began to burn again. This time, the heat was so strong that I couldn’t feel my foot.

I turned to my wife and asked, “Your left foot?”

She said, “Yeah and yay! God wants to heal me now.”

As I ministered while driving, she felt warm at the sole of her left foot. Then she felt tingling. When she got out of the car, she was completely healed.

God is gracious. Because if the sole of my right foot “burns” that way, the vehicle may just take off like a bullet train. #familyhealing #moreLord

Sanctified Food In The Stomach

My wife and I both had stomach discomfort after lunch on Sunday. We ate the same food. Both of us also felt nausea and giddy.

So I put my hand on my stomach and thank God for the curry rice that we ate. If we can say Grace before we eat, we can also say Grace after we have eaten.

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. - 1 Tim 4:4

So I began to thank Him for the curry rice in my stomach. For whatever that is received with thanksgiving is sanctified and made good. Some people don’t believe in sanctifying your food, but I am one who believes that it can be set apart for my good.

After thanking Him for the curry rice in my body, every symptom left within a minute. Jesus!

Man-made food has a problem due to the fallen world. Therefore if we are looking at dieting and consuming only healthy food, we are setting our eyes on a failed system. The Cross has purchased for us Redemption. Redemption includes redeeming you from the “fallen” food. So if we put our trust in Christ, the food can be sanctified, for whatever that is from God is good. Jesus!

P.S: This is not an excuse to be a glutton.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Faith Appropriates Healing

Faith Appropriates Healing

And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak; - Matt 9:20

In some translations, it says that the woman touched 'the hem of His garment.'

In the Greek, the word 'fringe' or 'hem' means 'tassel.' Tassels were made on the corners of the garment/cloak (known as 'Tallit') in the days of Jesus. Blue thread was woven in the tassels at the four corners. The tassels represent all the commandments of the Lord. (Num 15:37-40)

In the Hebrew, the tassel can also mean 'wing-like' projection. Some preachers assume that it can be translated as 'wing' and thus, they use Mal 4:2 to justify that when the woman touched the tassel of Jesus, she was touching 'the Sun of righteousness with healing in its wings.'

In my personal view, it is better to keep it simple within the explicit context of the Scriptures.

In the Old Covenant, if anyone obeys ALL the commandments of the Lord, the Lord will be his Healer. (Exo 15:26)

No one had ever fulfilled all the commandments of the Lord, except one Person. He is none other than Jesus. Jesus was the only High Priest wearing the Tallit and tassels, who completely obeyed ALL the commandments. In other words, Jehovah Rapha was with Him (Exo 15:26). He was the Man of God who had the God of Man living IN Him and through Him.

When the woman touched the tassel of Jesus' Tallit, she was literally touching the promise of God ---- healing, because of Jesus' fulfilled commandments. She had access to healing because Jesus had access to heaven (the promises of God) through His total obedience to the Law.

What's interesting is this... Jesus was not even ministering to her. Yet she was healed because of her faith in Him to heal her (Matt 9:20-21).

Her faith was placed on the Man of God who is also the God of Man.

In the New Covenant, the Man of God is no longer one but many (John 12:24) ---- that includes every single believer. The God of Man now lives IN every man of God, because of one Perfect Man's complete obedience to the Law (Matt 5:17; Rom 5:19). Every believer is 'wearing' the tassels of the Tallit within us, because of Christ's finished works on the Cross.

In other words, a person can be healed by placing his faith in the Man of God (us) who has the God of Man in him. Because faith appropriates healing. The sick can touch you and be healed because Jehovah Rapha lives in you.

This is why when someone is healed, it may not necessary be the minister who believes. It can be the sick who believes. Because faith appropriates healing. This keeps us humble because without Jesus, none of this can ever happen.

Disclaimer: Anyone can go straight to Jesus for healing. But God, in His grace, allows the Man of God who has the God of Man to represent Him for the sake of those who don't know how to approach Him directly. It is then important for the Man of God to point people to the God of Man so that they, too, become Men of God.

Divine Healing Proves Divine Health

Man of God VS God of Man

Monday 6 August 2018

New Age Outreach Part 5

A couple sat down and we asked if the lady experienced tightness on her left shoulder. She nodded and we ministered healing.

The guy picked a blessing card. Our eyes were drawn to the peace of mind.

Then we asked, “Is there a L or Lee?” The guy said, “That’s my surname. I’m Lee.” We said, “There is a financial promotion coming and you are going to see an increase in salary. Does that ring a bell?” The lady was shocked and looked at him.

He said, “Yes. It rings many bells.” Because he was indeed getting a promotion.

We said, “But your mind is stressed over your work, because of the pressure that comes from your boss. There are too many politics going on at where you are. And you are allowing what is on the outside to affect you. What you need is peace. Unless you have that peace, you can’t function and lead well in your work.” He nodded and listened intently. Then we shared the Prince of Peace with him. #xperiential #newageoutreach

Saturday 4 August 2018

New Age Outreach Part 4

A man came and sat at the booth. He picked a blessing card. Our eyes were drawn to a small rock that the lady sat on.

We saw the letter ‘M’ and we asked, “Does the letter M mean anything? It’s a name starting with ‘Me’ something.” 

He named his brother and said, “That’s my brother.” We said, “And your relationship with him isn’t good.” He replied, “He just moved out of the family last week. Yes, it isn’t good.” 

We added, “God wants to restore that relationship. In fact, you don’t have a heart of stone. You have a heart of flesh. One that is so tender and soft. One that naturally wants to love people and care for them. But your family situation has been draining you. And it has caused you to be hardened. Now people cannot get close to you. You will only relate to them on surface but you won’t let anyone come into your heart. The moment someone draws closer, you will immediately retreat. But God is going to heal your hurt right now and restore your heart that is tender and loving.” 

He was pretty surprised and kept nodding, saying that it is very true.

We ministered healing to his heart. And shared Jesus. #xperiential #newageoutreach

New Age Outreach Part 3

A Turkish lady came to the booth.

She picked a blessing card. The waters ‘lighted’ up and suddenly we ‘saw’ rushed waters in the family. We looked at her in the eyes and said, “There is tension going on in your family. Relationships in the family are no good. The one who caused this tension is your father.” 

She nodded and confirmed, saying, “That’s interesting.” We ‘saw’ her speaking peace into the situation. So we said, “But you are placed there for a reason. Because God has put you there to bring reconciliation. You are the one who can speak to your father.” She nodded and asked how exactly we ‘did’ these stuff.

Hence we shared Christ with her. She was here for a holiday but she’s bringing back a new message for her family. Jesus! #xperiential #newageoutreach

Thursday 2 August 2018

Customer Service Officer Healed On The Phone

Was calling a customer service officer on the phone to check on an important information for Power and Love.

Then God spoke and I asked, "Do you experience tightness on your shoulder? Towards the left side."

She laughed and said shyly (because phone conversation is usually recorded for training purpose), "Erm... Ya. How did you know?"

Cut the long story short. She felt tinging all over her left shoulder (because the Holy Spirit travels faster than the phone signal) and she got healed. And I said "Jesus loves you."

She kept laughing and was very surprised. Probably it was the first time she encountered a weirdo ministering to her on the phone while she's providing customer service.

When you know your identity, there is no place and no platform where you cannot walk in power and love. Over the years, we have seen countless healed in Singapore in almost all kinds of situations and locations, even while peeing in the toilet.

This is why we are planning for School of Power and Love Singapore on 5-8 December. It will not be another conference. It is an equipping school that will empower you to discover your true identity as sons and daughters, so that Power and Love flow out of you EVERYWHERE YOU GO every single day. No longer will you be waiting for another outreach event or outreach platform. You will be THE OUTREACH. Your life is the OUTREACH. As you are taught on your identity in Christ, word of knowledge, healing and the prophetic will naturally flow out of you. You will be SUPERNATURALLY natural. Many have said that School of Power and Love is the most life-changing equipping school they have ever attended in their lives.

So come and be equipped by Todd White, Tom Ruotolo and Robby Dawkins.

Register now as seats are limited! #powerandlove2018 #identity