Monday 28 July 2014

In The Train

We were on our way home from Clarke Quay to Punggol by train. As my wife sat down, I stood in the midst of migrant workers. Received a word of knowledge as I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal.

Prayed for one of them who had pain at his lower back near his right waist. Before I could check, he had to alight at Farrer Park.

We can carry His presence wherever we go.

Tampopo Liang Court

Was at Tampopo, Liang Court with my wifey and Jeshua for lunch.

Holy Spirit gave a word of knowledge concerning the manager who served at the payment counter.

I waited until we finished our lunch before I went over to him to make payment.

Asked him if he had neck issue and he told me that he had pain around his neck area due to slip disc.

Laid hand twice to pray for him but there was no visible improvement. Wished I could spend some time to contend for the lining up of his disc but he was the only cashier on duty.

More Lord more!

Sunday 27 July 2014

Mass Word Of Knowledge In Public

I have done mass Word of Knowledge in meetings and services before. But the Holy Spirit just dropped a thought into my mind.

I can partner with the Holy Spirit to do a mass Word of Knowledge in public event/gathering. That will be so awesome when people start realising that Jesus knows what they are suffering from and witness healings taking place. The Gospel can then be shared openly to them in the event/gathering.

I'm excited! Light shines the brightest in the place of darkness!

Bicep Tendon Inflammation

Prayed for a youth who suffers from bicep tendon inflammation and he felt a lot better. Keeping track of every testimony...

Saturday 26 July 2014

Muslim Security Guy

I alighted at Punggol station and walked past a security guy who was sitting at the platform.

As I was heading to the escalator, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pause and go back to him. I said, "Holy Spirit, how can I bless that guy?" He said, "Check out his lower back."

I walked back to him and asked, "Hey, do you have lower back problem?" He nodded, "Maybe it's due to fasting in this month." And he pointed the area to me.

I shared with him - "I'm a Christian and I pray to God like you pray to Allah and God spoke to me about your back problem."

He allowed me to pray for him. Prayed twice with no visible improvement. But I'm trusting that the seed of healing has been sowed and the full manifestation will take place so that he can experience the love of Christ.

Thursday 24 July 2014


Prayed for a CJC student who had a cast on his ankle area. Was in a rush so I didn't get to test him out.

Prayed twice for a youth who fractured his forearm. There was no visible improvement.

On my way to his place, I saw a group of construction workers. So I thanked them for working in Singapore to help with construction of buildings. When I asked if they had any pain or injuries, two of them responded with lower back pain. One of them got healed instantly while the other (who had the problem for one year) felt better. I asked the latter to sit down so that I could check his legs. Found out that his left leg was a bit shorter than the right. Prayed and the leg grew out. As I got him to test his back again, he said, "Thank you. It's comfortable now."

Praise Jesus!

Tuesday 22 July 2014


Was with my wifey at a shoe shop at The Central when I received a word of knowledge concerning the area above the right foot for the salesman.

He confirmed it and told me that his right shoe has a thicker insole so that he can walk properly. In fact, he met with an accident years ago and the right side of his body was affected.

Did a quick laying on of hand and prayer before I left. May God touch him and heal him completely.

It's impossible to lay hand on someone without anything happening. (Mark 16:17-18)

Saturday 19 July 2014

Past Victories Release Present Breakthrough

It's important to remember and recall past victories - testimonies. Past victories give us faith to believe for breakthrough in the present situation. God is able to do it again.

I recalled seeing complete healing for an old uncle's left ear. He had tinnitus. When he was healed, he exclaimed, "This is a miracle." And he said that he would go to a Chinese church.

Last night, I prayed for someone with tinnitus. While praying, I recalled my past victory. He was surprised after prayer. He felt so much better in his right ear, though it wasn't 100% healing. God is good!

Past victories bring us present breakthrough.

Thursday 17 July 2014


Was walking back home from Punggol MRT after work when I noticed a group of migrants sitting on the grass patch and talking to one another.

I felt prompted to just go over and thank them for working in Singapore. Construction work is never easy. As I thanked them briefly, I asked if anyone of them had injuries or pain at any part of their body.

One of them responded and showed me the area of pain at his back. Prayed for him twice and he got healed by Jesus.

Before I could share more, it started to rain and they had to run across the road to seek shelter.

I know God loves them very much. We can simply thank them and bless them for their hard work.

Monday 14 July 2014

Flu Breakthrough

I haven't seen much breakthrough for flu and fever yet, though it seems to be one of the most common and "easy" type of sicknesses.

Though gradual healings happened after prayer, I only had one encounter when instant healing took place.

There was an occasion when I prayed for a youth who was down with flu and sore throat. After prayer, she swallowed her saliva and exclaimed, "Oh gosh!" She gave a surprised look and said, "It's gone!" Praise Jesus.

I'm believing God for breakthrough in this area of sickness. I'm not gonna let the devil keep using this to attack my son.

Saturday 12 July 2014

It Is Always God's Will & Time To Heal & Save NOW

After equipping the youth leaders on healing and evangelism, we went out to the streets to distribute food, minister healing and evangelise to the migrants - most of them are Muslims.

We saw different healings taking place within 45 min as we had to rush back for laser tag games. Knee injury, finger, wrist, back, shoulder pain healed in Jesus' name!

Two of the youth leaders spoke to one of the migrants and gave him food to eat. They prayed for his recurring shoulder problem. He was surprised to feel that his shoulder suddenly became much lighter. God touched him. They then grabbed the opportunity to share the Gospel with him. This Muslim migrant received Jesus into his life as they led him through the sinner's prayer. Praise Jesus! Come on!

His name and contact number was taken down so that we can follow up with him.

It is always God's will and time to heal NOW.

Finger Injury

Prayed for a youth leader who just injured one of his fingers. He got 80% healed.

I'm thankful to Jesus.

If we can't be thankful with little stuff, we won't see great breakthroughs. The kingdom of God is about gratitude.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Metal Plate

Saw an uncle limping at the underground to Toa Payoh MRT. He said that he has a metal plate inserted to his hip area due to a surgery. Got to know that he used to visit TPMC.

Did a quick prayer to dissolve his metal plate and passed him my namecard as his train had arrived.

Heard so much about metals dissolving and disappearing from body parts. It will be a real blessing for others when this area is broken through.

Past Testimonies

I should also record past testimonies whenever I can recall them.

Psalms 119:167-168 - My soul keeps Your testimonies, and I love them exceedingly. I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies, for all my ways are before You.

There were a number of instances when I ministered to cab drivers. I simply love to talk to the cab drivers and minister to them because they are the only audiences who can't run away while driving. Quite a number of them thought that I am a Chinese sinseh by profession, because of the way I ministered healing to them - pressing my fingers on their areas of pain without speaking out the prayers.

In evangelism, we have to minister to people according to the way in which they can receive, rather than according to our way of doing. I have also learnt the hard way after experiencing many rejections in the streets. God is creative. So He gives us creativity.

Most of the time, word of knowledge was received and released before healing was ministered. Cab drivers got healed of neck problem, rotary cuff injury, back and spine problems, pain at ankle, forearm, shoulders, shin, knee, calf, thigh and sole of the foot, etc. One driver was partially healed of deafness in his left ear.

Out of these, there was one particular incident that I remembered vividly, because the driver was willing to switch off his engine, stepped out of his car and let me minister to him.

I had a word of knowledge concerning his spine. Surprised, he asked me how I knew about his problem. As usual, I told him that I'm a Christian - "Jesus talks to me and I talk to Him. He tells me about your problem."

I continued, "I will check for you later for free."

He responded, "Do you practise acupuncture?"

"No. But I can check for you for free."

Suddenly I was impressed upon to say this, "Your spine may be crooked. You have uneven legs."

He said, "No. I don't think so."

"Let's check later."

I purposely got him to alight me at the lobby area so that I could take time to minister to him. He switched off his engine, opened the car door and sat there with his legs fully stretched out (following my instruction). One of his legs was shorter than the other by about 1.5cm. Prayed and God grew out his leg. He came down from the cab to test his back by walking around and to his amazement, he felt good. God healed him. Shared with him about Jesus but he didn't receive Him. Nonetheless, the Gospel seed was sown.

Was there any driver who wasn't healed? Yes. A few of them who had arthritis. Some cannot be verified as they have gastric issue, blood pressure, high cholesterol level and diabetes. Some received partial healing.

Other instances when one of the legs was shorter and it grew out:

1) A Blangadesh worker who was waiting to make his payment at TTSH Orthopedics department. It grew by 2cm. He is a Muslim but he told me to invite him to church if there is any special event.

2) A young adult leader who had knee injury. While praying, God gave a WOK (word of knowledge) concerning his back. Found out that one of his legs was shorter. God grew it back.

3) A construction worker who was going to leave TTSH after visiting the Orthopedics. His leg grew out too.

4) A church intercessor whose leg also grew out.

There was an encounter with the spirit of affliction in the streets one day. I was praying for a Blangadesh worker. After I prayed, his pain moved from finger to wrist area. I remembered Randy Clark sharing that if the pain were to move, it is likely the spirit of affliction and we have to cast it out instead. As I cast out the spirit, he got completely healed.

Interesting instances:

1) Healing by proximity

An Indian JC student received healing by proximity. She told me not to touch her toe (she had toe injury and just came back from hospital). Neither was I allowed to touch her leg. It then dawned on me that this could be a Hindu culture. As I asked God what to do, He told me to place my palm above her toe area without touching. As I prayed, I felt a strong heat flowing through my palm. She received 80% healing.

2) Healing by umbrella

One Blangadesh worker received complete healing for his back problem by the power of God flowing through an umbrella as a crazy thought came to my mind to lay the umbrella on his back. Another worker received partial healing for the same problem with the umbrella.

3) Healing by tissue

One day, my wife complained about a sharp pain at her right shoulder, probably due to prolonged carrying of Jeshua throughout the whole day. I told her that I would pray for her after my shower. As I was bathing, I reflected on the book of Acts where Paul's handkerchief could heal the sick. I also remembered an incident when a pastor friend used a piece of tissue to heal my rib area. So I told God, "If You could do it during Paul's time, if You could do it through my pastor friend, then You can do it again. Because You are the same yesterday, today and forever."

I came out of the shower room, took a piece of tissue and prayed over it. Then I passed to my wife and asked her to place at her right shoulder. After a few minutes into our conversation, she suddenly realised that the pain was gone! She was only left with slight numbness. Laid hand and prayed and she got totally healed. Praise Jesus!

Abrupt instances:

1) MRT Platform

While waiting for the train to come, I saw a construction worker with a bandage on his wrist. He got completely healed from months of wrist injury. People were watching but it didn't matter. As long as he was blessed.

2) In the MRT

I boarded the train and headed towards Farrer Park. A group of Blangadesh workers boarded at Serangoon station. I was literally surrounded by them. Since I was in the middle, I thought, "Why not use this chance to reach out to them?" God revealed two WOK - one with neck problem and the other with shoulder problem. I asked the whole group, "Does anyone of you have neck and shoulder problem?" Two responded and they got healed in Jesus' name.

3) Queuing for Coffee Bean

While queuing for coffee bean at Expo during IDMC Conference, I had a WOK for the person in front of me - pain at knuckles area. He was shocked when I asked him. He confirmed and said that it's arthritis. Prayed for him and he felt better. Prayed also for his daughter who had wrist injury. She felt much better.

Once, there was a construction worker who had arm injury for few years. He had gone to many doctors but it didn't recover. Prayed for him many times. After each prayer, his pain reduced. Finally, he was totally healed. I was personally very touched by the love of God.

There were some other instances that I couldn't recall now. Sometimes, I would share the Gospel after healing took place. Sometimes, I would just talk about Jesus. Sometimes, due to various circumstances, I would just say, "Jesus healed you. He loves you."

Healing and miracles are meant to point people to Jesus. It is always His desire to heal. It is always His will to heal. He always wants to heal NOW (the timing was already confirmed 2000 years ago when Jesus died on the Cross).

I want to leave a legacy of faith for Jeshua and future generations. I hope to see Jeshua breaking into greater realms of His love and power. May my ceiling be his floor. May God help me to run this race and finish it well.

Psalm 71:18 (The Passion Translation) - Give me grace to demonstrate to the next generation all Your mighty miracles and Your excitement to show them Your magnificent power!

Monday 7 July 2014

An Observation & An Action

Seeing a cleaner walking slowly at Seletar Country Club today, I approached her to pray. Sustaining an injury for two years, she felt her ankle and sole area loosen and the pain was reduced. It wasn't a complete healing though.

Talked to her about Jesus and she shared that her daughter is also a Christian. She attends church occasionally but she is a Taoist. I pray that she will come to know the Lord soon.

Sometimes, all it takes is just an observation followed by an action. A simple act counts. There is always someone who is an encounter away from knowing Jesus.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Wonderful Breakfast

Went out of the hotel to look for a local coffeeshop for breakfast. My youth leaders slept very late last night (or this morning) so they couldn't get up to go.

As I stepped out of the hotel, I prayed, "God, I'm available today."

I noticed one local guy who was limping and I went to approach him. But he rejected my offer to pray for him.

I strolled past many coffeeshops that were closed before stumbling upon this dim sum coffeeshop. The owner is a young Chinese guy with 5-6 Indonesian female workers.

While eating, I asked God to reveal to me how I could bless the staff here. God gave me word of knowledge for two of the staff - one with back problem and the other with pain at her right deltoid.

After settling the bills, I asked the boss if I could bless his staff. As the Indonesian workers didn't understand English, the boss was kind enough to translate for me. I asked him twice if he would mind that I was doing this to bless his staff and he agreed.

Prayed for the first one with back problem (lady on the left of the photo) and she got healed. She requested to be prayed for her aching jaw and God healed her completely.

The lady with right deltoid pain (not in photo as she's a shy lady) received her partial healing - not 100% but she got better.

Another staff (lady on the right of the photo) saw what was happening and she came over. She asked to be prayed for her shoulder pain. She was also healed.

I blessed the boss and told him that I came from a church in Singapore. As I got to rush back for the next service, I didn't manage to share the Gospel. I doubt I could do it in Mandarin though.

God is so good. He desires to encounter and touch lives. We just have to be available.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Years Of Injury

While waiting for my YMLC group to gather before we went out for durians, I received a word of knowledge for the hotel captain - left knee problem.

I went to approach him. His name is Kumar, an Indian working in Malaysia. When I first asked him about his left knee, he said that it was okay. I asked again and he said, "Nothing. Why?"

Unconvinced, I asked the third time - "What about your right knee?" Finally, he responded, "Actually, my left knee has this pain for few years. I injured myself and something inside has shifted. Now I can't bend fully without pain."

I asked him to sit down and let me take a look. Prayed for him and got him to test it out. To my surprise, he simply squatted down bravely and quickly. He replied, "It's gone. When you prayed for me, I felt something moving in my knee."

"Is it good now?" I asked.

"Yes. Good. I also have numbness at my back area. I don't feel it now but it comes on and off." He requested me to pray and I did.

Found out that he's a Hindu and I talked a little about Jesus before telling him that Jesus loves him. 

Jesus encountered Kumar and healed him from his years of knee injury. Praise God!

Why? Question Only He Can Answer

Was reflecting this morning about last afternoon's incident - failure to see instant healing for deafness of ears.

It is common to see and hear healing and miracles happening in missions field, especially third world countries. Yet it is often difficult to see them in Singapore. This is a mindset that hinders us from going after healing and miracles persistently in the nation of Singapore. Yet we almost forget that situations and experiences do not alter the truth found in the word of God. Instead, we should align our situations and experiences to the truth. If we don't see it, we have to press on until we see the truth manifested in reality. Afterall, God is the same whether in India, China, Myanmar, Indonesia or Singapore.

After I prayed for this friend for a couple of times, I had to stop because our next session was going to begin. I told him, "God always wants to heal. Jesus showed it clearly in Scriptures. So the problem doesn't lie with God that you are not hearing now. The problem also doesn't lie with you. The problem lies with me. I'm sorry that I'm not walking in the power that I'm supposed to be walking."

He said kind words to me, for fear that I would blame myself. But I told him that I won't blame myself. It drives me to press on more.

During worship this morning, I saw a few people with hearing impairment worshiping the Lord joyfully. I was deeply touched but angered at the same time. I was touched by their genuine desire and love for God. But I was angry at the devil for stealing away what they are supposed to have - their hearing.

Jesus' compassion for people was always matched by His anger against the devil. Each time when He had compassion, He would do something to change the situation of the person, i.e. heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry, etc.

John 11:33 - Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled.

The word "groaned" is actually "to be moved with anger." Jesus was angry at the devil who stole life away from Lazarus.

I was thinking about these people who got so used to their hearing problem that they have accepted it as part of their life. They might have lost hope to be healed, which is what the devil wants.

This friend told me, "I was born like this. Doctor already removed the nerve from my ears. It is impossible for God."

I am supposed to stand in faith for a sick person. It is hard for a sick person to stand in faith for himself. The one who is praying has to stand in faith.

So when I fail to see the breakthrough, I have to acknowledge and apologise that I don't have enough faith.

I was reflecting and asking God again this afternoon. When the disciples failed to cast out the demon, they went back to Jesus. When I didn't see hearing breakthrough, it would only be wise for me to go back to Jesus. Only He has the answer to my question. 

He taught me a valuable lesson.

In Matthew 17, when the disciples couldn't cast out the demon, Jesus said, "Because of your little faith... if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

In verse 21, He added, "This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." This is weird because Jesus did not fast or pray when He cast out the demon in this incident.

What Jesus was teaching is this - "You got to have a lifestyle of intimacy and relationship with God. It is out of that lifestyle that faith is born." Faith is always relational. We can't increase our faith by ourselves. We can't increase our faith by situations. We can only increase our faith by relationship with Jesus. Because faith is always a natural response to His grace. The more we perceive His grace and goodness, the more we receive faith. Faith is a gift.

The apostles asked the Lord in Luke 17:5 - "Increase our faith!" Jesus answered them with the same words that He used in Matthew 17:20 - "if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

The disciples couldn't cast out demon because of their little faith. If they want to increase their faith, they have to build a lifestyle of intimacy with God such that they have deeper revelations of His grace and goodness. Then faith will simply be a natural response. It is a gift.

I asked God why I didn't see my friend healed from his hearing impairment. He said, "Because you didn't have enough faith." It then dawned on me that faith is beyond feelings. Sometimes, I felt that I had faith to see healing taking place. I was confident. But I didn't see results. The result actually reveals something - I don't have enough faith.

Faith is not a matter of feeling. It is not a matter of whether I see manifestations or not. Faith is not about sight. Faith is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Heb 11:1)

James 2:17 says that faith always produces works. In other words, if I don't see result, I don't have faith for that problem. Period. If I have faith for that problem, I will see the result.

If we set our mind on below, we will get very discouraged on hearing this.

But if we set our mind on above, this is good news! When I don't see someone healed, God is calling me back into the place of intimacy and relationship. God wants to grow my faith as I see His grace and goodness more and more. He wants me to seek Him, trust Him and depend on Him. The ultimate goal is still my relationship with Him. And that's why I don't see complete healing for all kinds of sicknesses and diseases for now. If I do, I will stop pursuing my relationship with Him.

Jesus is summoning me into the secret place of intimacy.

Friday 4 July 2014

Pressing On

Prayed for a new friend who is born with hearing impairment. Prayed a couple of times with no visible result.

Time to press on further. More Lord. More.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Sudden Surprise

Five minutes ago, I was near home. When I was about to enter the lift, my index finger suddenly felt a tingling sensation. A lady in her late 50s walked into the lift after me. She pressed the button to level 13 while I pressed level 15.

I could have easily let this sensation slip me by. As I asked God, I felt that it was a word of knowledge. So when the lift went past level 11, I quickly asked her, "Do you have problem with your fingers?"

She said, "Huh?"

I repeated (moving my fingers), "Do you have problem with your fingers?"

She nodded, "Yes."

I came out of the lift with her at level 13 and said, "What problem do you have?"

She showed me her last finger. "Numbness here."

I laid hand and prayed very quickly. "Try moving it now."

Surprised, she asked, "Is this going to be temporary or permanent?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"The numbness is gone. Is this going to be temporary?"

I replied, "Let's trust that it is permanent."

She questioned, "How come you know?"

"I'm a Christian. Jesus can talk to me. When I entered the lift, I felt something on my finger. He told me it's you."

She responded, "I see. My palm area also has numbness. But my little finger's numbness is gone."

I laid my hand and prayed for her palm. "You try again."

She clenched her fist a few times and said, "Wah... So good huh. Feeling good."

I shared about Jesus and told her that I stayed on 15th floor. 

She's a Taoist. But the seed of the Gospel is sown. 

Tuesday 1 July 2014


Went to have my haircut today at a familiar and cheap salon.

The 50-year old hairdresser, Serene, encouraged me to try out a new hairstyle which she has just been tested and approved in England. She said that it would suit the shape of my face. As I have never tried it before, she did a mild version of the original, new age hairstyle.

As we were talking, God gave a word of knowledge concerning her left ankle. As the impression wasn't very strong, it required me to step out in faith, despite of uncertainty.

I asked her, "Do you have pain on your left ankle?"

She replied, "Why do you ask that?"

"Just want to check if you have pain here (pointed to the area)."

"Yes. But why did you suddenly ask?" She questioned in surprise.

This gave me an opportunity to talk about Jesus. But I realised how poor my Mandarin is when it comes to sharing the Gospel. I don't know how to say "insecurity" in Chinese. She asked me why I converted from Taoism to Christianity and I couldn't really share my conversion story properly in Mandarin. Time to brush up -_-"

After my haircut, I prayed for her ankle. She walked around and tested. She said, "It is different now. My ankle feels loosened and good." And she automatically lifted the other ankle and asked me to pray. God's healing was upon her.

Every day is a day to bring an encounter to someone. I'm available, Lord.