Monday 27 February 2023

Speaking In Tongues

Speaking In Tongues

We were taught many benefits of speaking in tongues as a result of the baptism of the Spirit.

But the most significant purpose of tongues is the sign of a New Age (Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:16-18). Tongues is a confirmation of the end of the Old Covenant and the start of the New Covenant.

What does this mean?

Tongues proves that the Holy Spirit has been poured out once and for all AND for ALL (Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:16-18).

Tongues proves that we are in the last days (Acts 2:16-18).

Tongues proves that types and shadows in the Bible are over, because Christ now lives in us and through us.

Tongues proves that the separation between clergy and laity are over. Priesthood is here for every believer. (Note: There are still ministerial offices but not priesthood-separation).

Tongues is the revelation of Christ's finished works.

The next time when you speak in tongues, apart from all the benefits, remember the above points and boldness will come.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Multifaceted Wisdom

Multifaceted Wisdom

I saw a transparent tube with multiple colours. And it says, "This is the multifaceted wisdom of God in you." (Eph 3:10)

Since Christ is our wisdom from God (1 Cor 1:30; 1:24) and in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3), the multifaceted wisdom of God is within us, since Christ is in us.

We are not asking God for more wisdom from heaven (yes, I know about the book of James for a brand new church). 

We have all the wisdom needed for every situation on earth. It's about learning to draw it out from within, to appropriate the multifaceted wisdom by grace through faith.

There is only one simple principle in the Kingdom. Yet it is the hardest to live by because every ounce of our soul wants to strive and do something more. This is why we are commanded to strive to enter into His rest.

Everything has been given through Christ. Thus, we appropriate His finished works by grace through faith.

There is more. Not more, Lord. But more for us to step into because of the identity of sonship.

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Faith Is Confidence

Faith Is Confidence

Since faith is the confidence (Heb 11:1a) of God's given title deed (title of possession) based on the evidence in His written Word (Heb 11:1b), your confidence reveals your faith.

Some might understood it as arrogance. There is a difference. 

Confidence comes from God's persuasion. Arrogance comes from the need for persuasion. Confidence comes from God's assurance. Arrogance comes from insecurity needing assurance.

When we say what the Word says, we speak what God speaks and that is confidence (aka faith).

When ministering healing, that few seconds of confidence will determine the result of what we eventually see. If you do not know whether you have faith for the situation (since it cannot be measured at that moment), have confidence.

The Kingdom works by confident expectation (Mark 11:24). It releases heaven on earth (Matt 16:19). It is a principle that will work in every area, since truth does not change nor waver.

Confident expectation brings forth meetings encounters (such as Asbury). I won't use the term 'revival' because the meaning is very different. Only the spiritually dead needs revival. There is no method or 'to-do' list to bring forth encounters. It's not in the Bible.

Only confident expectation. Because faith always appropriates grace (that which is already done and finished 2000 years ago). God is not doing something new. It is us appropriating what He already did through Christ ---- to be able to enter the Holy of Holies (His manifest presence) without any veil or separation.

If we are waiting for God to do something, it is no longer faith. The general church, by and large, is still having this terminology. 

Faith is the confidence that God has done it, and therefore, we expect it. The New Age understands this more than many Christians. And yet when we hear such terminology and lingo, we label the Christian as having New Age mentality, forgetting that they copied from the Word.

I love seeing and experiencing corporate worship gatherings. I equally love one-to-One worship. What matters most is to see faith demonstrated confidently in every area of life, not just in religious meetings. That is the Gospel that Jesus lived.

Thursday 9 February 2023

Do Not Be Held Captives Anymore

Do Not Be Held Captives Anymore

Even though the s̵c̵a̵m̵d̵e̵m̵i̵c̵ pan-there-meek is over, there will still be many who are held captives in their mind.

They will continue to do the 'creative' test regularly; they will continue to get their young kids and newborn i̵n̵t̵o̵x̵i̵c̵a̵t̵e̵d̵ vek-see-nated.

We need to take captives of these thoughts that try to hold us captives. Because they are not true.

Teruo Nakamura, a Taiwanese-Japanese soldier, endured 29 years in the jungle after the end of World War Two. He thought that the war had not ended.

His mind was still held captive, even though he could walk in freedom.

Baby Elephant Syndrome is where a baby elephant is tied to a strong rope or chain at a young age and is unable to break free of the constraint. When the elephant matures, the elephant has grown strong enough to uproot trees and surely break the rope, but the elephant has been conditioned to accept this constraint.

The elephant's mind is still held captive, even though it could walk in freedom.

We no longer need to be held captives by a lie that has bound so many for so long. The first step is to break free from doing what was mandated. That will be the first step towards freedom.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. - Gal 5:1

The Scam Is Over

2 weeks ago, I shared that I felt that it's time to move on from the V thingy as it's over. The old has gone and the new is here.

Today, it is indeed announced.

The largest scam in our lifetime is over. Yet.

Enjoy the present freedom :)

Whole Armour of God Part 7

Whole Armour of God Part 7

The final weapon of the whole armour of God is to pray in the Spirit. It's the seventh part, and 7 speaks of perfection. God's armour is perfectly complete and completely perfect.

...praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. - Eph 6:18

The word 'times' is 'kairos', which means 'the opportune time to take full advantage of.' 

The enemy also understands this. In Luke 4:13, after tempting Jesus (but failed), satan waited for an opportune time (at the Garden of Gethsemane) to tempt Jesus. The cup of death was close as He fought the enemy with blood (sweat). But He was delivered by the Father (Heb 5:7) from death at the Garden.

Since it is a weapon, praying in the Spirit empowers the Spirit to find opportune time through us to attack the enemy. It will be the time where we can take full advantage of.

Praying in the Spirit is not limited to praying in tongues. It means communion with the Spirit of God. But praying in tongues is probably the most effective approach for praying in the Spirit, since Paul prayed in tongues mostly (1 Cor 14:18). It also covers all prayer and supplication (Rom 8:26-27).

When we pray in the Spirit (especially in tongues), the Spirit of God not only helps us find the opportune time to attack the enemy, He also protects us from the opportune time sought out by the enemy.

Divine protection comes by advancing the Kingdom and crushing the enemy with all the weapons of the whole armour of God (Luke 10:19).

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Whole Armour of God Part 6

Whole Armour of God Part 6

The next weapon is a sword.

... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. - Eph 6:17b

The sword of the Spirit is simple. The verse itself has defined it as the word of God. Since it is the sword of the Spirit, it is God's sword, not yours.

In other words, you don't have to worry about the effectiveness of the sword. It is 100% powerful and effective, because you are using His perfected sword.

The word 'word' in Greek is rhema. Many think that 'rhema' is a 'now' word from God, which differs from 'logos'. But 'rhema' and 'logos' are actually interchangeable. Compare the Greek in Luke 22:61 and Matt 26:75; Heb 4:12 and Eph 6:17; Heb 11:3 and 2 Peter 3:5. Compare also 1 Peter 1:23 and 1:25.

What does this mean? Jesus is the logos (John 1:1), but when He speaks, it is rhema.

The word 'word' in the context in Eph 6:17 says, 'the sense of command, commission; saving truth of God.'

In other words, every word (logos) of God is His saving truth. Logos lives in us, since Christ lives in us. Thus, whenever we speak or command according to His word, it is rhema.

We don't have to wait for a 'now' word from God. Because you and I have been commissioned to command His word. Whenever we speak or act according to His Word, it becomes the sword that slays the enemy.

Monday 6 February 2023

Whole Armour of God Part 5

Whole Armour of God Part 5

The whole armour of God is meant for offense, not just defense. We only gain ground by offense. The next weapon has to do with hope.

...and take the helmet of salvation, - Eph 6:17a

The word 'helmet' has to do with the hope of salvation (1 Thes 5:18). It is not just meant for protection of the soul (mind). It is meant for us to manifest the Kingdom's promises on earth.

Since faith is the substance of things hoped for (Heb 11:1), biblical hope is the premises where faith can be released. Without hope, there cannot be faith.

The word 'hope' in the Greek is the 'confident expectation of what is sure'. It is not what we like to say humanly, "I hope so...", "let's hope that this will happen", etc. Instead, it is built on the certainty that God is faithful and good, thus it shall be done. 

Therefore, we say, "This is done, because God said so in the Word." Biblical hope, thus, says "If God said it, that settles it."

And faith says, "If that settles it, I appropriate it NOW."

The word 'salvation' is not just the general church or the religious term of 'you are born again'. No. That is not what God meant. Salvation encompasses MUCH MORE than just being born again. It includes every promise of God in the Kingdom.

Jesus Himself walked and manifested all the promises of God on earth as He put on the helmet (hope) of salvation (Isaiah 59:17).

As we put this weapon on, we are telling the enemy, "All the promises of God are Yes in Christ, and through Him also is our Amen to the glory of God through us (2 Cor 1:20).

Thursday 2 February 2023

Whole Armour of God Part 4

Whole Armour of God Part 4

You cannot prevent the attacks of the enemy. But you can prevent yourself from getting harmed by the attacks.

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one. - Ephesians 6:16

The word 'shield' refers to the 'heavy oblong Roman shield which looked like a full door, large enough to provide full protection from attack.' This protects us and covers our whole person in spiritual warfare.

Since spiritual warfare is usually in the realm of the mind (2 Cor 10:4-5) where the enemy pulls you into the carnal realm to try to attack you, we must step into the higher realm and battle the enemy from the spiritual realm using the mind of Christ.

This sounds like a concept until we break it down into practicality. It is the shield of faith for a reason. Because faith has to be the weapon.

Faith (pistis in Greek) is a gift from God. It is the persuasion of His will and goodness. It is received and not achieved. The righteous shall live by faith (Rom 1:17), regardless of what you see, hear or feel.

Since faith comes by hearing (and hearing) His Word (Rom 10:17) and is the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1), the shield of faith is only as strong as your knowing of the Word, which reveals His will and goodness.

It says that we can put out (extinguish) ALL the flaming (burning arrows) of the evil one. ALL means ALL --- every single one that comes against you. 

With the 'flaming' arrows, we can feel the 'heat' of the attacks and still NOT be burnt by them. Feelings can be very real, just as circumstances and symptoms can be very real. This is why we need to take up faith and walk contrary to what we are feeling, and walk according to the Word. This is the only way for divine protection to keep us from getting harmed.

What more? The word 'flaming' is also used for 'gold refined by fire'. Job misunderstood satan's flaming arrows as God slaying and testing him.

Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him (Job 13:15). 
When He has tried me, I shall come out as gold. - Job 23:10

As we take the shield of faith to put out all the flaming arrows of the evil one, we also grow in maturity and get refined by the heat of the fire that the enemy throws at us. Instead of touching us (1 Jn 5:18), the enemy pushes us to grow. Yay Jesus!