Thursday 5 May 2022

Testimony Two

Testimony Two

Since the restrictions were implemented, I had to turn down a few speaking engagements because I'm healthy and well, but barred from the buildings in order to protect those in the buildings because the protection that was enforced couldn't protect them.

2-3 weeks ago, a friend invited me to speak in his healing service. I said I couldn't. He said, "I will find a way around it." Then he got back to me on the next day, "We can put you in a room and you speak from there, and we will do a live feed to the main sanctuary."

I said if you guys are good, I'm good.

Last week, the restrictions were removed, so I spoke in live tonight. The timing was just right because it's God-incidence.

We thank God for the healings. I especially love it when people just get healed by sitting there hearing the Word without anyone praying. Honestly, no matter how hard I tried, I cannot imagine Jesus wearing a mask, applying sanitizer and telling people, "If you need healing, come! BUT don't come if you have flu symptoms, okay?"

If that is the case, then it's better not to hold any healing meeting than to destroy the preaching of the Word and the demonstration of the Spirit by contradicting directly with the Word.

Our mind is either conformed to the world or the Word. There is no in between.

Now is a grace period with the restrictions removed. But it doesn't warrant any complacency. We need to be prepared and get ready for the next one, for it will come like a thief before you know it.

This is not overthinking by the way. Alot of things are already on the background. We need to get geared up instead of thinking how we can indulge in more pleasures.

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