Sunday 29 May 2022

Jesus Is The Way --- Born Again

Jesus is not the means to an end. This is why He is not the Way to heaven. That is religion, not Bible.

Jesus is the Way to the Father (Jn 14:6). In other words, He is the means to a relationship. 

Eternal life is not through a salvation/sinner's prayer. Eternal life is knowing Him (Jn 17:13).

You can say/pray the sinner's prayer and be born into a religion, but not into a relationship. Because relationship is about knowing. When you are born again, there will be a desire to know Him. A cold heart is not born again.

Unfortunately, giving others a quick fix by leading them into salvation prayer doesn't make them born again into the Kingdom. We hope so. We want so. But Jesus didn't. You cannot find it in the Bible. Otherwise, Jesus would be clocking as many salvation prayers as possible.

Not trying to create fear but stating the truths from what I see in the Word. Perhaps our quick fix religious approach needs to get out of the way so that we can lead people to know the Eternal One, that they may truly have eternal life.

In fact, there is no fear involved if we focus on knowing Him and following Him. That doesn't mean perfection. It means going after perfection despite stumbling here and there.

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