Monday 9 May 2022

Post-Modernism Healing Meetings

Post-modernism healing meetings:

"Bring the sick so that they can be healed!"

"Note: If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home or see a doctor."

This is a paradox. While we understand the constraints, our mind must be conformed either to the Word or the world. It is either we walk in faith or walk in fear. "Practice wisdom" is usually fear in disguise, for we are afraid of the repercussions.

Believers are to be known for believing. Otherwise, we lose the voice. The preaching of the Gospel becomes powerless. The demonstration of the Spirit becomes religious. The pulpit becomes another TED talk. The church becomes a community club.

We need to challenge the social norm and be willing to be subjected to mockery like Jesus had.

We have our reward in full when we try to practise wisdom (fear in disguise). But we have our reward in heaven by the Father when we step out in faith and obedience, even if we don't see the result.

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