Monday 2 May 2022

Believing In The Word

The proof of us believing that Christ was raised from the dead is that we believe in the Word. This is vital.

When therefore He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. - John 2:22

When we question if the Word holds true, it also means that we question if Jesus was really raised from the dead. If we believe that He truly was raised from the dead, then we must believe in the Word.

If we wonder if God wants us healed, then we are wondering if Jesus ever died.

The Person of Jesus can no longer be seen. But we see Him in the Word. Therefore, the Word must take precedence.

Our faith must rest on the Word and nothing else. Visions, dreams and the prophetic are great; nonetheless, they should not be where our faith rests on. We need to be so sticky with the Word that all others fade in comparison.

Jesus is always constant. So is the Word. The next time when you find yourself wavering because of a prophecy, or a vision, or even a personal experience, remember that the Word is the only truth we must lean on.

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