Saturday 7 May 2022

Do The Word

Many of us desire to know the leading of the Spirit. The Spirit and the Word are One, in full agreement and with no contradiction.

If you want to know the will of God, read the Word. If you want to be led by the Spirit, do the Word. - Lester Sumrall

The Spirit goes where the Word is. The Spirit does what the Word says.

In the Old Covenant, the Spirit went first (pillar of fire and cloud), followed by the people because the Spirit wasn't in them.

In the New Covenant, the Spirit goes where the people go because we carry His presence. The Word now lives in us. When we act on the Word, the Spirit confirms it (Mark 16:20).

If we want to know what the Spirit is doing, DO THE WORD. People who are most led by the Spirit are usually the ones who do the Word most.

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