Wednesday 11 May 2022

Ministering A Touch

Sometimes, before we minister to someone on the streets, we will think that he is busy because he is on the job.

A Grabfood auntie was limping as she was delivering the order to the recipient. I walked up beside her and asked, "What happened to your leg?"

She replied, "It's due to a traffic accident. There's a metal plate in it."

She's in a rush to deliver the food. Our carnal mind can say, "Let's give it a miss. Don't delay her as she's busy."

That's when we need to act contrary to what our mind is saying. "It is faster to act yourself into believing, than to believe yourself into acting." - John G Lake

So I touched her knee, and commanded healing and wholeness. She was still limping after that. I didn't have time to persist on. But I thanked God for the honour and privilege to lay hands on the sick.

People usually want to see before they believe. But the Kingdom works upside down. You believe and you will see. Yes, we all want to see the instant and immediate change. But I have learnt through various encounters that sometimes, the change comes on the next day or so.

So I do not let what I do not see in the physical to change what I do see in the spiritual. You lay hands on the sick and they will recover. I don't let that instant (or incident) change my belief. I don't pull back and say, "It's not working." Instead, I continue to stand believing that God is already working when I touched her knee and because I believe, she is going to see that change in her body and praise God for who He is.

Sometimes, we don't have time to keep going after it on the spot. But we do have time to minister 'a touch'. Then we lock on faith, without shrinking back, trusting for the sick to be made whole. It might be instant; it might be sudden; it might be on the same day or the next day.

Because we do see (in the Word), we believe. And because we believe, we will see (in reality).

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