Tuesday 31 May 2022

Knowing Him

When I was younger, I would share about God's direction for my life each year when people asked. "I have a vision of this and that this year, etc..."

As I get older, it becomes way simpler. I just want to know Him more and become more like Him each year. The rest will take care of itself, and I'm no longer as interested.

People can share with me about what great things God wanna do through them. That is fine. We all like to talk about great things and stir one another up.

But I realise that the one thing that stirs me up nowadays is to become the image of Him. By that, it includes full power and love.

The only resolution I have is to HAVE and BE a greater revelation of Him.

Sunday 29 May 2022

Jesus Is The Way --- Born Again

Jesus is not the means to an end. This is why He is not the Way to heaven. That is religion, not Bible.

Jesus is the Way to the Father (Jn 14:6). In other words, He is the means to a relationship. 

Eternal life is not through a salvation/sinner's prayer. Eternal life is knowing Him (Jn 17:13).

You can say/pray the sinner's prayer and be born into a religion, but not into a relationship. Because relationship is about knowing. When you are born again, there will be a desire to know Him. A cold heart is not born again.

Unfortunately, giving others a quick fix by leading them into salvation prayer doesn't make them born again into the Kingdom. We hope so. We want so. But Jesus didn't. You cannot find it in the Bible. Otherwise, Jesus would be clocking as many salvation prayers as possible.

Not trying to create fear but stating the truths from what I see in the Word. Perhaps our quick fix religious approach needs to get out of the way so that we can lead people to know the Eternal One, that they may truly have eternal life.

In fact, there is no fear involved if we focus on knowing Him and following Him. That doesn't mean perfection. It means going after perfection despite stumbling here and there.

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Greater Responsibility

Few days ago, J played with his cousin, who was down with a flu. They shared everything and J put his hand into his mouth. Don't ask me why he only starts loving to put his fingers into his mouth at this age lol.

Yesterday, he began to have fever at 39 degrees C in the morning. I can't remember when he last had a flu as it was probably before the pan-there-meek.

Ministered healing to him. Wife was concerned, but we have learnt to fight this out instead of depending on doctors and medication. Anyway, she couldn't find medication in the fridge as almost every medication had expired.

Wifey tested him on ART. Not because we trust any of this kit (there are so many real life stories of how inconsistent this kit is), but she simply wanted to be responsible. Anyway there is no difference between a con-vic & a flu. Just a change in name sometimes helps to create more fear, and fear is the one that leads to worse symptoms.

He was tested negative. By afternoon, his temperature was back at 36.8 degrees C.

Many might think that this is not being responsible as a parent, when you don't bring your kid to the doctor.

I tend to think otherwise. We are taking a bigger responsibility by not handing our responsibility to others including the doctors. At the end of the day, they won't be taking any responsibility if anything happens to your child. What they can only say is... "Sorry. We tried our best."

Then I rather that I try my best first as my child's parent, before I hand him over to anyone else. Because Jesus is the most trustworthy Person you can find in the midst of a dark world where saving people is no longer the main objective of the medical arena.

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Haji Lane - Kingdom

2-3 months ago, I was pondering on whether we should resume the group outreach at Haji Lane.

We stopped group outreaches since the first massive lockdown in SG. And we encouraged others to focus on walking out personal lifestyle evangelism instead of depending on yet another outreach event.

Unfortunately, many people stop reaching the lost when outreach events stopped. This made me wonder if group outreaches do any good in empowering people to live out lifestyle Christianity.

This is one main reason that caused me to reflect if I should resume it. It's always at the back of my mind. I am concerned that it becomes another activity for people instead of becoming a lifestyle.

Last month, my family and I were at Haji Lane and it kept me thinking again. Then we met with family friends for J to play with and my friend brought a similar table (much lighter than mine) that I used to use for Haji Lane outreach.

I don't know why but I went to order for one such table as it is lighter and easier to move around with. Perhaps it's time to go back to Haji Lane with it soon, especially when the world is getting darker and more people need the Hope of glory.

#xperientialoutreach #xperiential #outreach #evangelism #lifestylechristianity101 #lifestyle #kingdom #power #love #prophetic #healing #faith

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Authority Is The Highest Form of Believing

Authority Is The Highest Form of Believing

Jesus did not always minister to the sick through laying on of hands in the Gospel. Sometimes, He spoke to the sickness/spirit/body. Occasionally, He simply made a statement which proved His authority (Mark 7:29; Matt 8:13).

Another incident is as follows:

The official said to him, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” Jesus said to him, “𝐆𝐨; 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞.” - John 4:49-50

Jesus did not lay hands in this case. He did not pray. Neither did He even speak to the sickness/spirit/body. He simply made a statement.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲. When the legislative branch of the government introduces a law, the one with the authority simply needs to make a statement for the law to be enforced.

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. This means that the devil has none. Sickness has none. Disease has none. We are not trying to fight sicknesses and diseases as though there is a battle going on. If we know the authority that has been delegated to us, we can simply issue a statement of the Kingdom law to the enemy.

Sometimes, we keep praying for the sick, which is good. But what we need to change is our perspective. Jesus did not even pray. He spoke a statement of authority because He was fully persuaded that He was sent as the Highest Position of The Law Enforcer where His authority triumphed every name under heaven.

We can be so mindful of the authority that we represent as sons of the most High that the words that come out of our mouth become the law for the devil to submit and obey.

Praying is not the key. Authority is. If we know the authority in Christ, we do not need to pray to set people free.

P.S: Complete wholeness is not always instant. Though the boy was healed instantly (fever left him), his body took time to amend (John 4:51-52).

Wednesday 11 May 2022

Ministering A Touch

Sometimes, before we minister to someone on the streets, we will think that he is busy because he is on the job.

A Grabfood auntie was limping as she was delivering the order to the recipient. I walked up beside her and asked, "What happened to your leg?"

She replied, "It's due to a traffic accident. There's a metal plate in it."

She's in a rush to deliver the food. Our carnal mind can say, "Let's give it a miss. Don't delay her as she's busy."

That's when we need to act contrary to what our mind is saying. "It is faster to act yourself into believing, than to believe yourself into acting." - John G Lake

So I touched her knee, and commanded healing and wholeness. She was still limping after that. I didn't have time to persist on. But I thanked God for the honour and privilege to lay hands on the sick.

People usually want to see before they believe. But the Kingdom works upside down. You believe and you will see. Yes, we all want to see the instant and immediate change. But I have learnt through various encounters that sometimes, the change comes on the next day or so.

So I do not let what I do not see in the physical to change what I do see in the spiritual. You lay hands on the sick and they will recover. I don't let that instant (or incident) change my belief. I don't pull back and say, "It's not working." Instead, I continue to stand believing that God is already working when I touched her knee and because I believe, she is going to see that change in her body and praise God for who He is.

Sometimes, we don't have time to keep going after it on the spot. But we do have time to minister 'a touch'. Then we lock on faith, without shrinking back, trusting for the sick to be made whole. It might be instant; it might be sudden; it might be on the same day or the next day.

Because we do see (in the Word), we believe. And because we believe, we will see (in reality).

Monday 9 May 2022

Post-Modernism Healing Meetings

Post-modernism healing meetings:

"Bring the sick so that they can be healed!"

"Note: If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home or see a doctor."

This is a paradox. While we understand the constraints, our mind must be conformed either to the Word or the world. It is either we walk in faith or walk in fear. "Practice wisdom" is usually fear in disguise, for we are afraid of the repercussions.

Believers are to be known for believing. Otherwise, we lose the voice. The preaching of the Gospel becomes powerless. The demonstration of the Spirit becomes religious. The pulpit becomes another TED talk. The church becomes a community club.

We need to challenge the social norm and be willing to be subjected to mockery like Jesus had.

We have our reward in full when we try to practise wisdom (fear in disguise). But we have our reward in heaven by the Father when we step out in faith and obedience, even if we don't see the result.


Saturday 7 May 2022

Do The Word

Many of us desire to know the leading of the Spirit. The Spirit and the Word are One, in full agreement and with no contradiction.

If you want to know the will of God, read the Word. If you want to be led by the Spirit, do the Word. - Lester Sumrall

The Spirit goes where the Word is. The Spirit does what the Word says.

In the Old Covenant, the Spirit went first (pillar of fire and cloud), followed by the people because the Spirit wasn't in them.

In the New Covenant, the Spirit goes where the people go because we carry His presence. The Word now lives in us. When we act on the Word, the Spirit confirms it (Mark 16:20).

If we want to know what the Spirit is doing, DO THE WORD. People who are most led by the Spirit are usually the ones who do the Word most.

Friday 6 May 2022

How To Pray For The Sick: Simple!

Don't be self-conscious. Don't focus on what to pray. It's not the prayer that is going to heal the sick. It's His finished works.

Be God-conscious. Believe that God loves the person and wants the person healed completely because of His finished works.

Faith works through His love for the person.

Quick and simple prayer!!! Trust God!

Thursday 5 May 2022

Testimony Two

Testimony Two

Since the restrictions were implemented, I had to turn down a few speaking engagements because I'm healthy and well, but barred from the buildings in order to protect those in the buildings because the protection that was enforced couldn't protect them.

2-3 weeks ago, a friend invited me to speak in his healing service. I said I couldn't. He said, "I will find a way around it." Then he got back to me on the next day, "We can put you in a room and you speak from there, and we will do a live feed to the main sanctuary."

I said if you guys are good, I'm good.

Last week, the restrictions were removed, so I spoke in live tonight. The timing was just right because it's God-incidence.

We thank God for the healings. I especially love it when people just get healed by sitting there hearing the Word without anyone praying. Honestly, no matter how hard I tried, I cannot imagine Jesus wearing a mask, applying sanitizer and telling people, "If you need healing, come! BUT don't come if you have flu symptoms, okay?"

If that is the case, then it's better not to hold any healing meeting than to destroy the preaching of the Word and the demonstration of the Spirit by contradicting directly with the Word.

Our mind is either conformed to the world or the Word. There is no in between.

Now is a grace period with the restrictions removed. But it doesn't warrant any complacency. We need to be prepared and get ready for the next one, for it will come like a thief before you know it.

This is not overthinking by the way. Alot of things are already on the background. We need to get geared up instead of thinking how we can indulge in more pleasures.

Monday 2 May 2022

Believing In The Word

The proof of us believing that Christ was raised from the dead is that we believe in the Word. This is vital.

When therefore He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. - John 2:22

When we question if the Word holds true, it also means that we question if Jesus was really raised from the dead. If we believe that He truly was raised from the dead, then we must believe in the Word.

If we wonder if God wants us healed, then we are wondering if Jesus ever died.

The Person of Jesus can no longer be seen. But we see Him in the Word. Therefore, the Word must take precedence.

Our faith must rest on the Word and nothing else. Visions, dreams and the prophetic are great; nonetheless, they should not be where our faith rests on. We need to be so sticky with the Word that all others fade in comparison.

Jesus is always constant. So is the Word. The next time when you find yourself wavering because of a prophecy, or a vision, or even a personal experience, remember that the Word is the only truth we must lean on.