Sunday 25 February 2018

Your Conscience Protects Faith

Last week, I ate pork ribs that weren't fresh. There was a tad smell & taste of blood. I felt that I should stop eating, but yet I proceeded to finish them. My conscience actually did not say Yes.

On the next day, I had great stomach discomfort and one round of diarrhoea in the afternoon. By evening, the stomach discomfort still persisted strongly.

Disclaimer: What I am going to share here is NOT a method to follow, but a principle.

So I went to the kitchen cabinet and took out a large packet of spicy potato chips. I gave thanks and ate more than half of them, while still having stomach discomfort. My conscience allowed me to do so. In fact, I believed that I would be healed by eating the chips, since it happened many times.

True enough... after finishing the chips, the stomach discomfort completely disappeared. I felt as normal as I should be. On the next day, I remained perfectly well. Jesus!

Your conscience protects faith. Whatever our conscience allows us to eat, faith overcomes. I believe that we can come to the place where our conscience allows us to eat ANYTHING and still walk in divine health.

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