Wednesday 14 February 2018

Dream - Bill Johnson

Last night, I had a dream.

I was sitting beside Bill Johnson at a dinner gathering. There were a number of people but I couldn't see their faces. I was conversing with Bill.

Now, I haven't been following Bill Johnson for quite a long time. I didn't read his books nor listen to his sermons for around three years. I wasn't thinking about him.

So when such dream came in the night, I would wake up and seek the Lord about it. For God speaks in many ways, and one way is through dreams.

The last vivid dream I had was a conversation with John G Lake and Lindsay Gordon.

While sitting beside Bill Johnson, he asked, "Why are you not eating?"

I replied, "I'm fasting."

He added, "How often do you fast?"

I answered, "Once every week. And an extended fast once a year."

He said, "When you fast, is it one meal or something?"

I said, "No. It's full day without food."

He continued, "Don't you get hungry?"

I replied, "No. I don't. I'm used to it."

The dream ended there and I woke up.

As I sought the Lord, I felt Him speaking to me, "Go deeper in dependence on Me."

I understood what it meant. What you repeatedly do can sometimes becomes a routine, instead of a relationship.

In the beginning of this year, when I did an extended fast without food, I had a revelation on Generational Curses. It was never in the Bible, not even in the Old Testament. That blew my mind away. In an extended fast, you stay dependence on Him because you eat nothing for so many days. However, it can become a religion if we do it with the wrong motive. It has nothing to do with the act of fasting in the first place.

As shared before, fasting is not an obligation in the New Covenant. You don't need to fast. You don't have to fast in order to grow in dependence and intimacy with Him. It's only ONE of the many tools.

It doesn't work for everybody. But I know it works for me. Hence, while I don't advocate fasting, I do it personally. I don't put a yoke upon others, just because I do it. In fact, most of the time, I tell others NOT to fast - because it has often been abused and misused due to religious Christianity. The truth is... you can feast on food and still grow in intimacy with Him.

Yet in this dream, God was conveying a message to me. I seldom get dreams. I personally believe that if we stay conscious of Him and lean in to His voice in the day, we don't need a dream at night. When a dream comes in the night, it is often because there is no other way for Him to get our attention when we are awake.

In this dream, God wanted to take me deeper, deeper in dependence on Him. It has nothing to do with fasting. But my weekly fast - once a week - can become a hindrance, because I am so used to doing it, that I don't think much about it.

It's a nudge from Him to return to the place of dependence. To depend deeper and more on Him than ever before.

Dependence doesn't mean that we seek Him for every single step that we take - what to eat, what to wear, who to reach out to, etc. We might as well ask Him, "God, should I move my left leg or right leg first when I walk? Should I wake up at 6.30 am or 6.31 am? Should I take three seconds or five seconds to breathe in?" That's ridiculous! That's the charismatic and religious way of approaching God without understanding that Christ is IN us. That's separating Him from us and you can't find it from Jesus and the life of apostle Paul.

Dependence on Him is knowing that He is WITH us every step of the way. It's trusting Him in every result, regardless of the circumstances. It's believing in all of His promises and His goodness. Jesus!

P.S: A clear sign that we don't depend on Him is when we are led by fear and worries.

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