Monday 12 February 2018

The Destroyer Can’t Match The Wisdom of God

The Old Covenant is the New Covenant concealed. The New Covenant is the Old Covenant revealed.

The Passover Lamb in Exodus pointed to the Crucified Son.

Was God the One who killed all the innocent firstborn of Egypt? Apparently, it seems that He did, if you read it literally without the understanding of the nature of God and the understanding of the Hebrew writer’s perspective.

The writers did not have a revelation of who Satan is. Neither did they have a completion revelation of who God is. They thought that the devil was still under God’s control and hence, whatever the devil did, God must have been in full control. What He allowed the devil to do points back to Him as the originator and the mastermind. At least, the OT writers thought that way.

Exodus 12:23 - For the Lord will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and NOT ALLOW the DESTROYER to come into your houses to strike you. (emphasis added)

If you read the context of the blood on the lintel and the two doorposts, you will realise that the drawing of the blood symbolises the Cross. Because the Passover Lamb was meant to point to the Crucified Son of God.

With the blood applied by the house of Israel, God protected them from the destroyer, who killed all the firstborn of Egypt.

God is the Giver of Life. While He could judge the rebellious Egyptians, He doesn’t take innocent lives in order to save more lives. Life came FROM Him.

God did NOT ALLOW the destroyer to strike the firstborn sons as long as the household applied the blood. Scriptures did not say that only Israel would be saved. If any household of Egyptians applied the blood, it would yield the same protection.

Who exactly was the destroyer? He was mentioned by apostle Paul in 1 Cor 10:10. Those who murmured were destroyed by the destroyer.

In Revelation 9:11, we see this.

“And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.”

The original meaning for Apollyon is “Destroyer”. He is none other than Satan.

Satan had been destroying firstborn sons. He was consistent in the Old and the New Covenant. (i.e. Egyptian firstborn, Israel’s firstborn, Jewish firstborn, etc)

God is extremely wise and sovereign. For He IS Wisdom. What the devil tried to do, God always turned it for good.

The destroyer killed the firstborn sons of Egypt. That was the ultimate plague that led to the release and salvation of the Israelites.

Remember, the Old points to the New.

The destroyer crucified the firstborn Son of the creation Jesus Christ. That was the ultimate move for the redemption of mankind.

For if the devil knew the outcome, he wouldn’t have crucified Jesus.

The destroyer cannot match the wisdom of God. Jesus!

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