Saturday 10 February 2018

Generational Curses? Part 4

In Part 1-3, we discovered that God had never placed generational curses on His people since the beginning. It was a tradition that we had picked up over the years. We misunderstood God's heart and His love.

The only curse was Adamic curse, since the Fall (Genesis 3:16-19; Romans 5:12). You may call it 'generational curse' (Adam was our past generation), if you like.

But Christ has redeemed us from that Adamic curse (Romans 5:18-19). Our past generation is now Christ.

Breaking generational curses, as mentioned in previous posts, is extra-biblical. Not only that, it denies the sufficiency of the Gospel and undermines the finished works of Jesus on the Cross.

Jesus Christ is central to the Gospel. It is the God-Man's broken body and His shed blood that removed every sin and curse, and redeemed us to our original created value and image. It is such Gospel truth that makes us free (John 8:32). Without the Gospel, there is no identity.

The need to break generational curses is a Gospel-plus-something, instead of the pure Gospel (Gal 1:6-9). To minister that way is to deny that Christ's perfect sacrifice on the Cross is more than enough to sanctify, purify and make us a new creation (2 Cor 5:17).

It is to say that Jesus' perfect and finished works on the Cross are not perfect and finished enough. It is adding new formula and tradition to the 'Grace and Truth' that came (so that we could simply receive by faith).

Our redemptive value as an individual is established by Christ alone. Yet, if the new value in Christ can be uncontrollably held by the past because of the 'so-called generational curses', life is no longer the responsibility of an individual. The regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5) becomes powerless to overcome the old man (Rom 6:6). We become victims instead of being more than conquerors (Rom 8:37). Read Romans 6 and you will know that Christ alone has set you free. We either choose to believe or not.

There were no generational curses placed by God. If there was, we will be going against Him by breaking the curse that He had placed.

The Cross is not just the revelation of your identity. The Cross is also the revelation of who God is. Jesus was God in the flesh. He came to reveal and to do the Father's will.

The God in the Old Testament is the same God in the New. He is not schizophrenic and He doesn't change His nature. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And He is LOVE. Jesus!

Part 1-3

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