Tuesday 13 February 2018

Singapore Needs The Power Of The Gospel

Singapore is getting more and more stressful. 

Everywhere you go, people are down with flu. In every bus, in every train cabin, in every queue, at every corner, etc. I don’t remember seeing these in the past.

It’s a sign that our country is prospering outward but not inward. It’s a sign that our culture and lives have declined. It’s a sign that we are further away from being the city of Antioch because of the pursuit of materialism, success, wealth and kiasuism. It’s a sign that we are more performance driven than ever before.

We may have many churches. We may have started many movements. We may have sent out many missionaries. But we are dying on the inside. An outward ministry cannot represent the inward being.

Divorces increase; marriages break down; young people fall into depression and commit suicide. The family unit is weak.

It’s a national awakening that is needed, but it begins from personal awakening. The reality is that we are declining as a nation. But the sure anchor we have is the power of the Gospel.

The day will come when the power of the Gospel will present itself again so that we see the book of Acts coming alive. It won’t be the same. It will be greater.

It is time not to build more churches and bigger churches. It is time not to run more and more conferences for the sake of conferences. We don’t have to do it every year. It’s called religion. 

It is time to rise up and present the Gospel of the kingdom, not the Gospel of salvation. It is time to stop thinking that quantity = quality. Because more numbers should impact and transform more lives. But we are seeing more numbers, yet less transformed lives.

Saying this is not to make us lose hope and focus on the decline. No, but all the more, it produces in us zealous desire to see the kingdom in us awakened, presented and manifested in the nation of Singapore. #SingaporeForJesus #PowerandLove

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