Monday 19 February 2018

The God Of Wealth

According to the Chinese tradition, the god of wealth or 财神 is often regarded highly during Chinese New Year. The Chinese believe that the name of 财神 should be invoked so that the family would be bestowed with prosperity and wealth. In their context, wealth refers to money (gold) and success.

Now what about the God Yahweh? Is He the God of Wealth?

Firstly, biblical wealth doesn't purely refer to money, though it may include money. There are rich people who are not wealthy. And there are wealthy people who are not very rich. Wealth encompasses life in every area - relationship, family, marriage, work, etc.

But where the topic of 'wealth' is discussed, most people still refer it to money..

Like what Kris Vallotton said, to say that "God wants us to be rich" or "God wants us to be poor and humble" are really two extremes that you can't find in the Bible. One is called 'prosperity mindset' while the other 'poverty mindset'. 

The Scriptures hold a healthy tension between riches and having no lack. But it didn't say that ALL will be rich. Neither did it say that we should suffer lack of finances. I believe that some are really blessed by God to be rich and all are blessed by God to have no lack. It's about trusting in Him for providence.

Having said this, there are some who think that trusting in God's providence is about sitting and waiting and doing nothing, expecting heaven to rain down finances. If this is true, God would not have given us talents, abilities, gifts, etc. He would not be talking about work and labour in the Scriptures.

Disclaimer: There are, however, occasions when God really rains down finances. And I have personally experienced that many times. But I did not sit there and did nothing. I did what I could, and God in His mercy, poured out financial miracles.

The truth of the matter is this... God has already given us the power to get wealth.

In the Old Testament, Moses told the people in Deuteronomy.

Deut 8:18 - And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you POWER to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. (emphasis added)

The Greek word for 'power' according to the Septuagint is 'δύναμιν'. It is translated as 'dynamin', where you get the word 'dunamis'.

In the New Testament, Jesus used the exact same word 'dynamin' in the verse below.

“Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with POWER [dynamin] from on high.” - Luke 24:49 (emphasis added)

Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit who would come to empower us.

But you shall receive POWER [dunamis] when the Holy Spirit has come upon you... - Acts 1:8 (emphasis added)

In other words, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we also receive the POWER to get wealth. This is why Ephesians 1:3 says that God has "blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ."

God has ALREADY blessed us with finances. How? On the Cross, God tore the veil that separated us from Him, so that He could rush out to live IN us. The Spirit of God IN us is the POWER to get wealth.

Therefore, we have God's wisdom, God's ability, etc to get wealth. God has already put that IN us. Stop waiting for wealth to come. Start stewarding what He has already given to get wealth.

P.S: You may not necessarily be rich. But you will have enough.

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