Friday 24 March 2017

The Power of Holy Communion

The Power of Holy Communion

The Body of Christ removes the effects of sin from us through forgiveness. We are thus, free from the effects of sin: Sickness, poverty, brokenness, death, etc.

The Blood of Christ removes the act of sin from us through redemption. All the requirements of the Law are fulfilled in us. It is now just as if we have never sinned before. We have been made righteous. We are redeemed to be like the Last Adam and the First Adam before he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 

Who Christ is and what He has, we have.

The reality in which Adam walked in before the Fall is the reality we have complete access to. Thus, we enjoy health, peace, joy, abundance, wholeness and DOMINION.

You are not just forgiven. It's way more than that. You are REDEEMED.

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