Friday 17 March 2017

Healings Breaking Out Everywhere

Healings Breaking Out Everywhere

In this short family holiday, people received healing and heard of Jesus everywhere we went. Most of them were through word of knowledge and healing by presence without touching. There is an increase in the operation of WOK. Some were so precise that left me amazed at the goodness and love of God in the secret place, worshiping Him.

There were other WOKs that came but I couldn't stop for all because my family and I had to move on. These were some of them...

Staff at hotel reception was healed of the back of his neck.

Cashier at toy store was healed of left ankle; upper back and gastric problem.

Barista manager was healed of left side of his neck.

Cashier at Famous Amos was healed of left knee injury.

Another staff was healed of upper back and body pain.

Cashier at Nonya stall was healed of left knee.

Nepalese security guard at Mark & Spencers was healed of pain at the back of his left ankle. Two of the female cashiers were so stunned at what happened that they kept looking. My wife told me about it so I went to approach them. One of them had swollen foot due to pregnancy and she felt good after prayer. Had a WOK for her hubby who wasn't around.

Cashier at Dome cafe was healed of wrist problem. The barista was healed of his right arm near armpit area (errrr... I know... but word of knowledge is always interesting). Prophesied on his personality and anxiety/stress issue.

Mini-healing rally happened while we waited at the hotel lobby. My wife asked me to help her order a latte. I approached the hotel staff and had a WOK for his left knee injury.

He started sharing with his colleagues in the hotel and one by one, they queued for their turn to be healed. About 9 of them came to me one after another.

One of them was healed of left ankle, right ankle and right knee. Prophesied on his personality and had a WOK on his past relationship. He was going to cry.

Another was healed of left shoulder through WOK.

Another removed his wrist guard after he was healed. The bone that came out appeared back in alignment. Prophesied on his creativity and his gift. He nodded and felt he should continue with what he was passionate about, instead of the present work.

Another with migraine and upper back was healed completely. He felt power entering him.

Another with lower back had his spine straightened (leg appeared to grow out because of spine alignment) and his back was totally healed. He could bend freely when he couldn't do so earlier.

Another with upper and lower back problem had her spine straightened. She tested her back and there was a "pop". All pain left her and she was in astonishment.

Another with pain at the sole of her foot felt vibration before the pain left totally.

Another with right calf issue was healed.

These gave me an opportunity to talk to them about Jesus. They are mostly M as I'm in their country. Jesus!

School holidays = extended family time. But it cannot escape kingdom ministry. Ministry doesn't have to be on a particular day or confined to a fixed place. If the Chief Minister Jesus is in you, ministry naturally flows out of you everywhere you go.

We don't need to go around looking for someone to minister. We don't go to everyone and ask, "Is there anything I can pray for you?" We don't ask everyone we meet, "Is there any pain in your body?" That's looking and searching for ministry, instead of simply being ministry. When you simply "BE", as you enjoy your itinerary, the Holy Spirit will flow out of you to touch lives naturally in a supernatural way. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #increasewordofknowledge #prophecies

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