Thursday 30 March 2017

Part 2: Receiving From Him - Prayer

Jesus never addressed the issue of unanswered prayers. We do. 

We come out with a whole list of why our prayers go unanswered. We come out with different methods of prayer, different strategies of prayer, different ways of prayer, etc. And Jesus didn't. He simply prayed. The things of God are simple and powerful. We make them complicated and powerless, because the carnal mind is always hostile against God. 

The reason why we address unanswered prayers is because of deferred hope. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. We come out with reasons to justify what we hoped for and comfort ourselves for what we did not see.

Jesus, however, didn't address unanswered prayers. He had full confidence in the faithfulness and the goodness of the Father who changes not. Jesus knew that the moment He prayed, the Father heard Him (Jn 11:41-42). To Him, there is no unanswered prayer. This is why He told His disciples that they would receive whatever they asked for (Mark 11:24), if they believe.

There is no unanswered prayer. There is only unfulfilled desire. Prayer is the answer to fulfilled desires (Jn 16:24). 

"...desire fulfilled is a tree of life." (Prov 13:12). The reward of prayer is HIM. His presence IS the reward. And if you have Him, you have everything. This is why when we delight ourselves in Him, we have fulfilled desires (Ps 37:4).

Jesus, the tree of Life, is the Desire of all nations. If we make Him our desire, there will be no unfulfilled desires. And there is no need to address unanswered prayers. 

You don't pray to get your prayers answered. That only leads to a sick heart. You pray because He is the Answer to fulfilled desires. #receiving2017

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