Tuesday 21 March 2017

REVELATION: Receive LOVE = Receive Everything

On my way to my landlord's place this morning, I was limping abit due to a sudden pain at the right side of my lower back since two days ago.

Suddenly, a verse came to my mind and I started meditating on the first part. "He who did not spare His own Son..."

It's not that God could not, but He chose not. By not choosing to spare His most beloved Son, He chose us. You and me. He chose not to spare Jesus so that He could choose to spare us from misery, separation, sicknesses, sin, brokenness, abandonment, death, poverty, curse, etc.

By sparing us, Jesus went through the exact opposite ---- what we should be going through. God chose not to spare Jesus from brokenness, rejection, abandonment, loneliness, death, etc.

The kind of value God places on us - you and me, is the exact value of His Son.

"...how shall He not also WITH Him, freely give us all things?"

Every other thing we can ask or think of is "smaller" than the Gift of His Son. The Greatest Gift also comes WITH every other gift. You can't receive the latter without receiving the first. But you can't receive the first without having the rest.

And if it's freely given, it means that we can simply receive by grace through faith. Freely. Effortlessly. It's not by how you pray. It's not by how you try. It's not by how you command. It's by receiving His love. 

When we receive His love, we also receive all things including healing, health, abundance, goodness, peace, etc.

I was walking and simply focusing on receiving His love as I meditated on every word on the first part of that verse (Rom 8:32). I felt better immediately.

Then, I didn't know when and I didn't know how... but the pain was suddenly gone! Jesus! 

I had tried commanding the pain to go, confessing healing, believing and praying but to no avail. The pain was still there for two days. It didn't make sense because I had seen probably more than a thousand over healings and many without even saying a word. How could it be possible that others get healed easily and I couldn't get myself healed?

Because I tried to apply the same which got others healed to my own body.

I have noticed that it doesn't work that way when it comes to appropriating healing for our own bodies. Don't minister to yourself the same way you minister to others. Before men, you represent Christ. You use authority and power to heal the sick (Luke 9:1; Matt 10:1; Mark 16:17-18).

But before the Father, you are His son and daughter. It's not about method, authority or power. It's about identity and relationship. It's about relationship with the One who loves us.

Jesus never taught His disciples to heal themselves by authority and power. You can't find that in the Gospel. You can imply, but you can't apply. Because they were supposed to walk in health (3 John 2). And the only verses that talk about health and own healing is the Cross. By His stripes, we are healed (Matt 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24). It has to do with His love.

Jesus is the only Way. He is also Love. So the Way to receive healing personally (and every other thing) is to receive His love. 

When I receive His love, I also receive healing. This has already happened a few times. I am convinced that receiving His love is the key to receiving all things.

Many believers have problems receiving healing for themselves, because Love has become head knowledge. The Cross has become "Ya, ya, I know. I know. He loves me." This is why when you preach the Gospel in a crusade full of non-believers, they receive salvation TOGETHER with miracles and healings.

This is why Jesus wants us to return to the first love where our heart is filled with affection.

Receiving love = receiving everything. 

Eph 3:19 - "...to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

P.S: If God has given us everything, then the problem is never about God, but our receiving.

I'm in my room shouting and dancing right now... Love compels me. #revelation #selfhealing #divinehealth

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