Tuesday 14 March 2017

Only Believe

Only Believe

Hotel staff received WOK. When I requested to minister to him, he said, "It's okay." I pursued a second time. He replied, "No worries, Sir."

I continued a third time and said, "I don't have to touch you. You just continue with your work." He just smiled with unbelief.

I stood there at the counter, smiling.

As he continued to type in data, print out stuff and moved around the counter area, he suddenly felt tingling at the back of his neck and appeared surprised. The tingling went on for a while and he received healing. Jesus!

Unbelief in others and unbelief in the atmosphere cannot stop healing from flowing, as long as you believe. Because what we believe has enough power to overwrite what they don't believe.

Some teach that Jesus couldn't perform miracles in His hometown because unbelief was in the atmosphere. Nothing is further from the truth. Jesus' belief was more than enough to heal all. He was simply cast out of the synagogue by the Jews, which is the reason why He couldn't heal. 

Only believe. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

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