Friday 31 March 2017

Part 3: How Well Do You PERCEIVE Him?

This post has probably one of the most beautiful revelations I received in my life.

How well we receive from Him will be how well we become like Him. But in order to receive from Him well, we first, have to perceive Him well.

Though I have listened to many speakers and read many books, I realised that if I simply take what they say (with their proven track records and experiences) to be truth, I will end up with a God who is schizophrenic. The starting point of perceiving God well is to sieve out any teaching about God that is not found in the life of Christ in the Gospel.

Perceiving is the journey of mind renewal. It's the sanctification of soul. If we can see what Christ sees, we can prove the perfect will of God every single time. Your perceiving affects your receiving, and your receiving affects your conceiving - the fruit you become.

This morning, as I was communing with Him on this, He gave me a vision of the Cross. I was trying to use a toy hammer to crucify Jesus. It was futile. A voice came to me and said, "He's already crucified. You can't crucify Him anymore." Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me, "You can't let what you have done undo what has been done on the Cross. But you can let what has been done on the Cross undo what you have done." The word "REDEMPTION" appeared at the back of my mind.

Redemption is so much more powerful than we perceive. It's all about perceiving well in order to receive well.

Jesus did not just remove sin from us. He redeemed us FROM sin. If He simply removed sin from us, we still have to suffer for the effects of sin. But by redeeming us FROM sin, we are brought back to the position before the Fall - holy, perfect and blameless. God sees us just as if we have never sinned before. And if we have never sinned before, we can never suffer the effects of sin.

If we sin, and our heart goes, "What I have done is not right", that's repentance. You don't have to cry and weep and confess to God to make sure that it's repentance. There are many people crying and weeping and yet nothing changes. 

The moment you realise that it's not your true heart desire to do what is wrong, it's repentance. And God sees you just as though you have never done that before. The man who just did the wrong thing is dead and buried. He was the old man. In God's eyes, you are a brand new man, created and renewed in the image of Christ. That's the power of the Cross. The Cross has the power to undo what you have done.

And if God sees you as if you have never done that before, you are free from the effect of that sin. That's the power of redemption. What you have done cannot undo what has been done on the Cross. But what has been done on the Cross can undo what you have done.

As an earthly father, I am not yet perfect. Sometimes, I missed the mark in fathering my son. Sometimes, I walked contrary to my true identity. I desire to represent the Father accurately to my son. Recently, I scolded him for his disobedience and I displayed impatience. By the grace of God, He has spoken to me this morning on how I should handle whenever he disobeys.

But I am concerned with how my misrepresentation of the Father would affect my son. That's when He spoke to me on redemption. What an amazing God we have. His whole presence is over me right now even as I am writing. Man, I am going to cry.

He said to me, "Whenever it isn't your heart to misrepresent, I am able to redeem the whole thing. I am able to wipe off from your son's experience. It's redemption. Because if you have not sinned, you don't have to suffer for the effect of that sin. It is just as if you have not scolded your son and showed impatience. His view will not be affected."

This is what it means when He says, "All things have passed away. Behold! All things have become NEW." In the Greek, 'passed away' means 'perished'. All things have perished. That includes all the effects of sin because of your sins. They have ALL perished. Now you can walk in newness of life.

Everything that you have said or done, whether willfully or ignorantly, whether it's to your spouse, to your children, to your loved ones and others, can be fully REDEEMED. God is ABLE to WIPE OFF the bad memories, the bad experiences, the traumas and issues from your spouse, from your children and from your loved ones. It will be just as if those things had never ever happened before in their lives.

Because it is not your heart desire to sin, He sees you just as if you have never sinned that way before. And therefore, you can be free from all the effects of that sin. LOVE strikes that off. Because LOVE keeps NO record of wrong. And LOVE gives you a clean sheet to begin with.

You just have to perceive redemption right and you will receive right. What you have done cannot undo what has been done on the Cross. But what has been done on the Cross can undo what you have done. All things have become NEW today. Jesus!

How well we perceive Him will affect how well we receive from Him. #receiving2017

P.S: This is why I don't agree with digging out the past traumas and experiences to minister inner healing when the Cross is MORE THAN ENOUGH. Jesus is not here to discover the problems. He is here to be the Solution.


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