Wednesday 29 March 2017

Part 1: How Well You Receive From Him Is How Well You Become Like Him

Towards the end of last year, God spoke to me clearly about receiving. 2017 is a year of receiving. The more I receive well from Him, the more I will become like Him.

Singapore is a city where we have no lack of conferences, speakers and equipping, etc. Many believers in the world probably wish they could be living in Singapore. But this is also probably one of the reasons why we become complacent in our personal relationship with God. Resources are everywhere. Why do we bother to spend time communing with Him when we can get shortcuts from people's revelations? As a result, we are ever-growing in knowledge of Him but not growing in knowing Him.

If we keep feeding on others' revelations, we will only have a third party relationship with Him.

Disclaimer: There's nothing wrong to feed on others' revelations. But if that becomes our focus, we lose sight of the call of personal intimacy. A simple gauge is to compare the time we spend communing with Him VS the time we spend listening to/reading people's teachings.

Smith Wigglesworth read nothing but the Word of God and grew in intimacy with Him. We, on the contrary, read Christian books and listen to teachings more than we read the Word. It is no wonder why we are not reaching where he was.

Everybody wants shortcut. But there is no shortcut to intimacy and transformation. If we think that attending a conference and getting a so-called impartation can bring us to that place, we have fully misunderstood intimacy.

The motive of our heart speaks everything. Intimacy is the quest of knowing Him, not knowing Him to get something. Fasting and prayer can become distorted in nature because of our heart motive. Just because someone fasted and prayed and it worked for him doesn't mean that you get the same thing by doing the same thing. If methods can get you somewhere, you don't need intimacy. You just need more methods.

I believe that personal intimacy cannot be copied, cannot be replicated and cannot be learnt. You grow in the secret place by going to the secret place. No one and no amount of great teaching can replace your own intimacy with Him. It is in that place that you are fully rewarded with Him.

The starting point of receiving from Him personally is to go into the secret place personally. Don't shortchange this privilege by going after a third party. #receiving2017


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