Friday 31 March 2017

Part 3: How Well Do You PERCEIVE Him?

This post has probably one of the most beautiful revelations I received in my life.

How well we receive from Him will be how well we become like Him. But in order to receive from Him well, we first, have to perceive Him well.

Though I have listened to many speakers and read many books, I realised that if I simply take what they say (with their proven track records and experiences) to be truth, I will end up with a God who is schizophrenic. The starting point of perceiving God well is to sieve out any teaching about God that is not found in the life of Christ in the Gospel.

Perceiving is the journey of mind renewal. It's the sanctification of soul. If we can see what Christ sees, we can prove the perfect will of God every single time. Your perceiving affects your receiving, and your receiving affects your conceiving - the fruit you become.

This morning, as I was communing with Him on this, He gave me a vision of the Cross. I was trying to use a toy hammer to crucify Jesus. It was futile. A voice came to me and said, "He's already crucified. You can't crucify Him anymore." Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me, "You can't let what you have done undo what has been done on the Cross. But you can let what has been done on the Cross undo what you have done." The word "REDEMPTION" appeared at the back of my mind.

Redemption is so much more powerful than we perceive. It's all about perceiving well in order to receive well.

Jesus did not just remove sin from us. He redeemed us FROM sin. If He simply removed sin from us, we still have to suffer for the effects of sin. But by redeeming us FROM sin, we are brought back to the position before the Fall - holy, perfect and blameless. God sees us just as if we have never sinned before. And if we have never sinned before, we can never suffer the effects of sin.

If we sin, and our heart goes, "What I have done is not right", that's repentance. You don't have to cry and weep and confess to God to make sure that it's repentance. There are many people crying and weeping and yet nothing changes. 

The moment you realise that it's not your true heart desire to do what is wrong, it's repentance. And God sees you just as though you have never done that before. The man who just did the wrong thing is dead and buried. He was the old man. In God's eyes, you are a brand new man, created and renewed in the image of Christ. That's the power of the Cross. The Cross has the power to undo what you have done.

And if God sees you as if you have never done that before, you are free from the effect of that sin. That's the power of redemption. What you have done cannot undo what has been done on the Cross. But what has been done on the Cross can undo what you have done.

As an earthly father, I am not yet perfect. Sometimes, I missed the mark in fathering my son. Sometimes, I walked contrary to my true identity. I desire to represent the Father accurately to my son. Recently, I scolded him for his disobedience and I displayed impatience. By the grace of God, He has spoken to me this morning on how I should handle whenever he disobeys.

But I am concerned with how my misrepresentation of the Father would affect my son. That's when He spoke to me on redemption. What an amazing God we have. His whole presence is over me right now even as I am writing. Man, I am going to cry.

He said to me, "Whenever it isn't your heart to misrepresent, I am able to redeem the whole thing. I am able to wipe off from your son's experience. It's redemption. Because if you have not sinned, you don't have to suffer for the effect of that sin. It is just as if you have not scolded your son and showed impatience. His view will not be affected."

This is what it means when He says, "All things have passed away. Behold! All things have become NEW." In the Greek, 'passed away' means 'perished'. All things have perished. That includes all the effects of sin because of your sins. They have ALL perished. Now you can walk in newness of life.

Everything that you have said or done, whether willfully or ignorantly, whether it's to your spouse, to your children, to your loved ones and others, can be fully REDEEMED. God is ABLE to WIPE OFF the bad memories, the bad experiences, the traumas and issues from your spouse, from your children and from your loved ones. It will be just as if those things had never ever happened before in their lives.

Because it is not your heart desire to sin, He sees you just as if you have never sinned that way before. And therefore, you can be free from all the effects of that sin. LOVE strikes that off. Because LOVE keeps NO record of wrong. And LOVE gives you a clean sheet to begin with.

You just have to perceive redemption right and you will receive right. What you have done cannot undo what has been done on the Cross. But what has been done on the Cross can undo what you have done. All things have become NEW today. Jesus!

How well we perceive Him will affect how well we receive from Him. #receiving2017

P.S: This is why I don't agree with digging out the past traumas and experiences to minister inner healing when the Cross is MORE THAN ENOUGH. Jesus is not here to discover the problems. He is here to be the Solution.


Thursday 30 March 2017

Part 2: Receiving From Him - Prayer

Jesus never addressed the issue of unanswered prayers. We do. 

We come out with a whole list of why our prayers go unanswered. We come out with different methods of prayer, different strategies of prayer, different ways of prayer, etc. And Jesus didn't. He simply prayed. The things of God are simple and powerful. We make them complicated and powerless, because the carnal mind is always hostile against God. 

The reason why we address unanswered prayers is because of deferred hope. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. We come out with reasons to justify what we hoped for and comfort ourselves for what we did not see.

Jesus, however, didn't address unanswered prayers. He had full confidence in the faithfulness and the goodness of the Father who changes not. Jesus knew that the moment He prayed, the Father heard Him (Jn 11:41-42). To Him, there is no unanswered prayer. This is why He told His disciples that they would receive whatever they asked for (Mark 11:24), if they believe.

There is no unanswered prayer. There is only unfulfilled desire. Prayer is the answer to fulfilled desires (Jn 16:24). 

"...desire fulfilled is a tree of life." (Prov 13:12). The reward of prayer is HIM. His presence IS the reward. And if you have Him, you have everything. This is why when we delight ourselves in Him, we have fulfilled desires (Ps 37:4).

Jesus, the tree of Life, is the Desire of all nations. If we make Him our desire, there will be no unfulfilled desires. And there is no need to address unanswered prayers. 

You don't pray to get your prayers answered. That only leads to a sick heart. You pray because He is the Answer to fulfilled desires. #receiving2017

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Part 1: How Well You Receive From Him Is How Well You Become Like Him

Towards the end of last year, God spoke to me clearly about receiving. 2017 is a year of receiving. The more I receive well from Him, the more I will become like Him.

Singapore is a city where we have no lack of conferences, speakers and equipping, etc. Many believers in the world probably wish they could be living in Singapore. But this is also probably one of the reasons why we become complacent in our personal relationship with God. Resources are everywhere. Why do we bother to spend time communing with Him when we can get shortcuts from people's revelations? As a result, we are ever-growing in knowledge of Him but not growing in knowing Him.

If we keep feeding on others' revelations, we will only have a third party relationship with Him.

Disclaimer: There's nothing wrong to feed on others' revelations. But if that becomes our focus, we lose sight of the call of personal intimacy. A simple gauge is to compare the time we spend communing with Him VS the time we spend listening to/reading people's teachings.

Smith Wigglesworth read nothing but the Word of God and grew in intimacy with Him. We, on the contrary, read Christian books and listen to teachings more than we read the Word. It is no wonder why we are not reaching where he was.

Everybody wants shortcut. But there is no shortcut to intimacy and transformation. If we think that attending a conference and getting a so-called impartation can bring us to that place, we have fully misunderstood intimacy.

The motive of our heart speaks everything. Intimacy is the quest of knowing Him, not knowing Him to get something. Fasting and prayer can become distorted in nature because of our heart motive. Just because someone fasted and prayed and it worked for him doesn't mean that you get the same thing by doing the same thing. If methods can get you somewhere, you don't need intimacy. You just need more methods.

I believe that personal intimacy cannot be copied, cannot be replicated and cannot be learnt. You grow in the secret place by going to the secret place. No one and no amount of great teaching can replace your own intimacy with Him. It is in that place that you are fully rewarded with Him.

The starting point of receiving from Him personally is to go into the secret place personally. Don't shortchange this privilege by going after a third party. #receiving2017


Friday 24 March 2017

The Power of Holy Communion

The Power of Holy Communion

The Body of Christ removes the effects of sin from us through forgiveness. We are thus, free from the effects of sin: Sickness, poverty, brokenness, death, etc.

The Blood of Christ removes the act of sin from us through redemption. All the requirements of the Law are fulfilled in us. It is now just as if we have never sinned before. We have been made righteous. We are redeemed to be like the Last Adam and the First Adam before he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 

Who Christ is and what He has, we have.

The reality in which Adam walked in before the Fall is the reality we have complete access to. Thus, we enjoy health, peace, joy, abundance, wholeness and DOMINION.

You are not just forgiven. It's way more than that. You are REDEEMED.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

REVELATION: Receive LOVE = Receive Everything

On my way to my landlord's place this morning, I was limping abit due to a sudden pain at the right side of my lower back since two days ago.

Suddenly, a verse came to my mind and I started meditating on the first part. "He who did not spare His own Son..."

It's not that God could not, but He chose not. By not choosing to spare His most beloved Son, He chose us. You and me. He chose not to spare Jesus so that He could choose to spare us from misery, separation, sicknesses, sin, brokenness, abandonment, death, poverty, curse, etc.

By sparing us, Jesus went through the exact opposite ---- what we should be going through. God chose not to spare Jesus from brokenness, rejection, abandonment, loneliness, death, etc.

The kind of value God places on us - you and me, is the exact value of His Son.

" shall He not also WITH Him, freely give us all things?"

Every other thing we can ask or think of is "smaller" than the Gift of His Son. The Greatest Gift also comes WITH every other gift. You can't receive the latter without receiving the first. But you can't receive the first without having the rest.

And if it's freely given, it means that we can simply receive by grace through faith. Freely. Effortlessly. It's not by how you pray. It's not by how you try. It's not by how you command. It's by receiving His love. 

When we receive His love, we also receive all things including healing, health, abundance, goodness, peace, etc.

I was walking and simply focusing on receiving His love as I meditated on every word on the first part of that verse (Rom 8:32). I felt better immediately.

Then, I didn't know when and I didn't know how... but the pain was suddenly gone! Jesus! 

I had tried commanding the pain to go, confessing healing, believing and praying but to no avail. The pain was still there for two days. It didn't make sense because I had seen probably more than a thousand over healings and many without even saying a word. How could it be possible that others get healed easily and I couldn't get myself healed?

Because I tried to apply the same which got others healed to my own body.

I have noticed that it doesn't work that way when it comes to appropriating healing for our own bodies. Don't minister to yourself the same way you minister to others. Before men, you represent Christ. You use authority and power to heal the sick (Luke 9:1; Matt 10:1; Mark 16:17-18).

But before the Father, you are His son and daughter. It's not about method, authority or power. It's about identity and relationship. It's about relationship with the One who loves us.

Jesus never taught His disciples to heal themselves by authority and power. You can't find that in the Gospel. You can imply, but you can't apply. Because they were supposed to walk in health (3 John 2). And the only verses that talk about health and own healing is the Cross. By His stripes, we are healed (Matt 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24). It has to do with His love.

Jesus is the only Way. He is also Love. So the Way to receive healing personally (and every other thing) is to receive His love. 

When I receive His love, I also receive healing. This has already happened a few times. I am convinced that receiving His love is the key to receiving all things.

Many believers have problems receiving healing for themselves, because Love has become head knowledge. The Cross has become "Ya, ya, I know. I know. He loves me." This is why when you preach the Gospel in a crusade full of non-believers, they receive salvation TOGETHER with miracles and healings.

This is why Jesus wants us to return to the first love where our heart is filled with affection.

Receiving love = receiving everything. 

Eph 3:19 - " know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

P.S: If God has given us everything, then the problem is never about God, but our receiving.

I'm in my room shouting and dancing right now... Love compels me. #revelation #selfhealing #divinehealth

Friday 17 March 2017

Healings Breaking Out Everywhere

Healings Breaking Out Everywhere

In this short family holiday, people received healing and heard of Jesus everywhere we went. Most of them were through word of knowledge and healing by presence without touching. There is an increase in the operation of WOK. Some were so precise that left me amazed at the goodness and love of God in the secret place, worshiping Him.

There were other WOKs that came but I couldn't stop for all because my family and I had to move on. These were some of them...

Staff at hotel reception was healed of the back of his neck.

Cashier at toy store was healed of left ankle; upper back and gastric problem.

Barista manager was healed of left side of his neck.

Cashier at Famous Amos was healed of left knee injury.

Another staff was healed of upper back and body pain.

Cashier at Nonya stall was healed of left knee.

Nepalese security guard at Mark & Spencers was healed of pain at the back of his left ankle. Two of the female cashiers were so stunned at what happened that they kept looking. My wife told me about it so I went to approach them. One of them had swollen foot due to pregnancy and she felt good after prayer. Had a WOK for her hubby who wasn't around.

Cashier at Dome cafe was healed of wrist problem. The barista was healed of his right arm near armpit area (errrr... I know... but word of knowledge is always interesting). Prophesied on his personality and anxiety/stress issue.

Mini-healing rally happened while we waited at the hotel lobby. My wife asked me to help her order a latte. I approached the hotel staff and had a WOK for his left knee injury.

He started sharing with his colleagues in the hotel and one by one, they queued for their turn to be healed. About 9 of them came to me one after another.

One of them was healed of left ankle, right ankle and right knee. Prophesied on his personality and had a WOK on his past relationship. He was going to cry.

Another was healed of left shoulder through WOK.

Another removed his wrist guard after he was healed. The bone that came out appeared back in alignment. Prophesied on his creativity and his gift. He nodded and felt he should continue with what he was passionate about, instead of the present work.

Another with migraine and upper back was healed completely. He felt power entering him.

Another with lower back had his spine straightened (leg appeared to grow out because of spine alignment) and his back was totally healed. He could bend freely when he couldn't do so earlier.

Another with upper and lower back problem had her spine straightened. She tested her back and there was a "pop". All pain left her and she was in astonishment.

Another with pain at the sole of her foot felt vibration before the pain left totally.

Another with right calf issue was healed.

These gave me an opportunity to talk to them about Jesus. They are mostly M as I'm in their country. Jesus!

School holidays = extended family time. But it cannot escape kingdom ministry. Ministry doesn't have to be on a particular day or confined to a fixed place. If the Chief Minister Jesus is in you, ministry naturally flows out of you everywhere you go.

We don't need to go around looking for someone to minister. We don't go to everyone and ask, "Is there anything I can pray for you?" We don't ask everyone we meet, "Is there any pain in your body?" That's looking and searching for ministry, instead of simply being ministry. When you simply "BE", as you enjoy your itinerary, the Holy Spirit will flow out of you to touch lives naturally in a supernatural way. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #increasewordofknowledge #prophecies

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Only Believe

Only Believe

Hotel staff received WOK. When I requested to minister to him, he said, "It's okay." I pursued a second time. He replied, "No worries, Sir."

I continued a third time and said, "I don't have to touch you. You just continue with your work." He just smiled with unbelief.

I stood there at the counter, smiling.

As he continued to type in data, print out stuff and moved around the counter area, he suddenly felt tingling at the back of his neck and appeared surprised. The tingling went on for a while and he received healing. Jesus!

Unbelief in others and unbelief in the atmosphere cannot stop healing from flowing, as long as you believe. Because what we believe has enough power to overwrite what they don't believe.

Some teach that Jesus couldn't perform miracles in His hometown because unbelief was in the atmosphere. Nothing is further from the truth. Jesus' belief was more than enough to heal all. He was simply cast out of the synagogue by the Jews, which is the reason why He couldn't heal. 

Only believe. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. - Romans 8:2

The law of sin and death is the law of sowing and reaping. It's the law of sin AND death. If you sin, you will die eventually (John 8:24). You reap what you sow. This is why it is said that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Your self-effort always produces death. This is the law of the earth. Death came through sin (Romans 5:12). Anyone without Christ is under the law of sin and death.

In Christ, we have the law of the Spirit of life. Notice, it is not the law of the Spirit AND life. If it was so, it would still be a law of sowing and reaping. Sow Spirit and reap life.

But it is the law of the Spirit OF life. In other words, having the Spirit is the same as having life. It is a gift to be received. It is said that the gift of God is eternal life (Romans 6:23). You can't work for it. It is received by grace through faith - by simply trusting in Jesus.

When we put our trust in Jesus, we are under the law of the Spirit of life. This law sets us free from the law of sin and death. This new law makes us free from the effects of sowing and reaping. In other words, if sickness and disease are under sowing and reaping, we are free from it. Someone's germs and viruses cannot be passed to us (see John G Lake's testimony about the African deadly plague in the link).

If you are sick, the law of the Spirit of life will make you free from it so that you can walk in health.

If financial poverty is under sowing and reaping, we are free from it. If the world's economy is under sowing and reaping, we are free from it.

If the dangerous effects of certain food are under sowing and reaping, we are free from it.

If plane crash and car accidents are under sowing and reaping, we are free from it.

If disasters are under the law of sin and death, we are free from it.

If retrenchment is under the law of sin and death, we are free from it.

The list goes on. We are now UNDER the LAW of the SPIRIT of LIFE in Christ Jesus. Start believing and trusting.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. #truth