Saturday 31 August 2024

The Possible Biblical Death

The Possible Biblical Death

The early disciples and last century disciples knew how to walk in the life of God until they were ready to depart from this earth.

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. - 2 Tim 4:6-7

Paul knew when his time of departure was near. God revealed to him. He completed his assignment entrusted by God. Before that, he knew that he had the power and life of God to decide if he should live or die (Phil 1:21-26). He didn't die of sickness. He was beheaded as a martyr.

...since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. - 2 Peter 1:14

Peter knew when his time of departure was near. God revealed to him. He was crucified as a martyr.

F.F Bosworth, after completing his assignment, knew that the time of his departure was near. God revealed to him in 1957.

For a few months, he continued to be alive. Few weeks before his departure, he gathered all his family members to inform them and pray for them.

But he still couldn't depart. So he asked T.L Osborn to come and pray for him to leave this earth. He said to Osborn, "I have been preaching this for too long. I have been walking in it. The life of God is strong in me. My body doesn't want to let me go. Pray for me, so that I can depart and go."

Osborn visited and prayed for him for a few days. Finally, F.F Bosworth slept and went to heaven. He didn't die due to sickness. He died because he finished his assignment and God had revealed that his time was up.

What's the possibility that the biblical death is one without sickness and one that has completed the assignment, when God reveals that it's time to depart?

Kenneth Hagin, too, experienced that. I believe we, too, can experience this.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

No One Has Seen Christ Part Two

No one has seen Jesus literally after His ascension. It will actually destroy His own words of the purpose of sending the Holy Spirit, which is to our advantage.

I wrote about this some time back with many Scriptures about Christ who is STILL seated in heaven beside the Father.

When people share testimonies of seeing Jesus, they only saw a vision of Him but not the literal Person of Christ.

The following passages further nail this truth.

James 1:23 says that when we read the Word, we are reading who we are, because as Christ (The Word) is, so are we in this world. 

The Word is our mirror. The more we see The Word, the more we become like the Word (2 Cor 3:18).

However, we have yet to see the 100% Christ. Thus, there is a tad dim in the mirror. But we keep going after seeing Him more clearly in the Word.

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. - 1 Cor 13:12

When Christ returns literally in Person, we will see Him face to face. Two things happen when we see Him literally:

1) We shall know fully (1 Cor 13:12)

2) We shall be like Him (1 John 3:2). The word 'like' in Greek here means 'likeness in nature and condition'.

Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is. - 1 John 3:2

It is impossible to see the literal Person of Christ (aka face to face) without gaining full knowledge of Him and without being transformed to His nature and condition.

So hear those testimonies with a pinch of salt when people tell you that they saw Christ face to face.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Identity & Mirror

If we can release healing to others but not to ourselves, it's an identity issue.

If we can hear the voice of God for others but not for ourselves, it's an identity issue.

Identity in Christ has to do with the understanding of righteousness. We see the most issues with ourselves. Unless we regard ourselves not according to the flesh, we cannot walk in identity.

We must look past who we think we are into the true mirror (James 1:23-25), which is the image of Christ. Verse 25 says that we need to look and keep/continue looking. We cannot afford to forget who we are in Him, just because we see the issues and flaws in the flesh.

You were born of the first Adam (sin) regardless of what you do. Nothing can change that even if you are a good person.

You are now born again of the last Adam (righteousness) regardless of what you do. Nothing can change that even if you struggle, stumble and fail.

The rights that Jesus had with God the Father have become your rights. This is why you have the rights to hear from Him for yourself, and you have the rights to walk in healing for yourself.

Sin is no longer the issue with a believer. Identity is. And if we don't know our identity, we can never walk in healing and the prophetic for our own lives.

You Are gods

If He became sin so that we can become righteous in Him, then we are now identified with Him. We are not identified with sin, but the righteousness of God.

Since Jesus in the four books of the Gospel is the Righteousness of God revealed, and that we are now identified with Him, every time when you read the four books of the Gospel, you cannot see yourself as the sinner, or the sick person needing help or healing.

You must see yourself as Jesus. As He is, so are you in this world.

You see yourself ministering healing, deliverance, casting out demons, raising the dead, etc. You see yourself having the Kingdom of God and the Spirit of God. You are the anointed son and daughter, the righteousness of God revealed.

This is why only a Christ-centered message will empower you into sonship. Apart from that, you will identify yourself with the wrong person.

This is not blasphemy, crazy, proud or whatsoever. It is who God intended us to be. It doesn't make you become Yahweh but it makes you become gods (Jn 10:34).

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Get Out Of Religion

It's interesting how careful and holy we phrase our words when we pray, but we don't watch our tongue outside of the prayers.

This is called religion. I was guilty of that.

We remember to say beautiful grace prayers before we eat, but we forget thankfulness in our daily lives outside of the meal prayers. We forget that He provides not just during mealtimes.

We remember to pray 'healing' prayers when praying for people, but we forget that God is the Healer outside of that prayers.

More often than not, we are spiritual during spiritual moments/meetings but we become secular outside of those moments/meetings.

God doesn't listen to our prayer moments only. He listens to us 24/7. If we spend more time contradicting what we pray in our prayer moments/meetings, we cancel off every spiritual thing.

This is what religion does to us. Religion never focuses on lifestyle or the way of life. It focuses on the moments/meetings.

Faith is not just an event or a day in life. It is the way of life.

Tongue Or Prayer?

Tongue Or Prayer?

Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. - 1 Peter 3:10

1) Keeping our tongue away from evil is not just about saying evil things. Saying anything that contradicts what is good (The Word of God) is evil, because we are calling God a liar.

2) Jesus kept His lips from every deceit (1 Peter 2:22). He loved life because He is The Life (John 14:6). This is probably why He saw 100% results 100% of the time. Deceit includes every white lie.

If we want to see good days in our lives, just as healing and health, the first thing to watch is our tongue.

What have you been saying in your daily life? What have you been lying about in your daily life?

Your prayer life is only as strong as your tongue. How powerful and long you pray doesn't have any impact until your daily tongue has changed.

Prayer doesn't change our world. Our tongue does. If we realise that every word that comes out of our tongue is prayer, we will shift our whole mindset about what prayer is.

Monday 19 August 2024

Don't Change

If your idea of healing is based on whether you feel the symptoms in your body or not, you still don't understand identity.

Since faith is the evidence of things unseen, the evidence of healing is not based on what you feel or see in your body. The evidence of healing is based on "By His stripes".

People might say that you are lying. Ignore them. They don't understand the Word and identity. You speak what the Word says. Since the Word is the only absolute Truth, when you speak what the Word says, you are always telling the truth.

The people around you and the enemy are always trying to get you to speak out what is contrary to the Word. Jesus said that Lazarus was sleeping when everyone around Him was telling Him "No, Lazarus is dead!" But Jesus understood the Word; He understood identity. He spoke the Word because He is the Word.

And He raised Lazarus from the dead.

If your evidence is based on the result and what you see, you don't need faith. In fact, you don't need Christianity. You just need doctors. They will tell you the medical result. They will tell you what they see.

But if you want to be "The righteous lives by faith", then you have to base your evidence on the Word. 

"What does the Word say?" becomes your only evidence. "By His stripes, I was healed."

People will say all kinds of things about you when you keep believing and speaking the Word as your evidence. They want to knock you out of the ground. Some do it on purpose; some are just sincere and genuine but they don't understand the Word yet.

The more people say you are crazy, lying and weird, the more you drive your legs deeper into the ground and stay unwavering, unchanging, unshakeable, steadfast and immoveable. Because after you have done all, STAND. Don't move.

The Word is the most stubborn and firm thing in the entire universe. It does not change regardless of anything. Therefore, you cannot allow anyone to change what the Word says in your life.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Living Without Sin & Deceit

Living Without Sin & Deceit

The early Pentecostals believed that if you sin, the power of God will not move.

The Grace message believes that if you sin, the power of God will still move.

It cannot be that one is fully correct and the other is fully wrong. There must be some parts of truth in each school of thoughts.

Since the Pentecostals focused alot on experiences and encounters, they must have experienced in reality that sin stops the power of God from moving.

Yet the Grace school focuses on the Scriptural truth that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. And since sin didn't stop Jesus from healing everyone who came to Him, sin couldn't stop the power of God from moving.

Which school is correct? I believe the answer is Yes.


In my previous post, I shared about how lying in our daily lives has an effect on the manifestation of the Word of God in and through us.

Today I read this passage.

1 Peter 2:22 - He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth.

Jesus did no sin. Neither did He ever lie because He is the Truth (Jn 14:6). Since He always spoke the Truth, His words (coming out of His mouth) and His heart were fully aligned with the Word of God. He saw 100% results 100% of the time.

Since He did not sin, He fully trusted God (1 Peter 2:23). The root issue of sin lies with a lack of trust in God. He believed God the Father fully, thus He did not sin.

A fully yielded heart that trusts God 100% produces 100% results 100% of the time.

Does sin stop the power of God from moving? No! 

But sin stops the power of God from moving through you 100% of the time because you have a trust issue. Sin proves that we don't fully trust God 100% and if we don't trust Him, we cannot see 100% results 100% of the time like Jesus did.

Jesus did no sin and there was no deceit found in His mouth. He had 100% trust in the Father. If we want to walk like Him, we will need to live like Him.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Why Are You Lying?

Why Are You Lying?

It is human to err and human to lie, especially white lies. Sounds about right. But little do we know that lying has a powerful effect on how the Word of God comes to pass in and through our lives.

When we got born again, the Spirit in us is the Spirit of Truth (Jn 16:13). This Spirit is at war with the flesh (human) as said in Romans 8:7. As believers, we can no longer say "I'm just a human" and yet expect the Word to manifest all the time. It's contradictory.

I believe that Jesus had 100% result in and through the Word, not because He is the Word, since He had to be an example for us by becoming a Man living in the Spirit to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, but because He only spoke the Truth (John 14:6).

1 Peter 2:1 - So put away... ALL deceit...

I just read this verse today and I was reminded that it's not some, but ALL.

God exalts His Word above His name (Ps 138:2). He holds the universe by the Word of His power (Heb 1:3). It is impossible for God to lie (Heb 6:18). He is the Word (John 1:1). The integrity of God's Word lies in the integrity of His mouth.

If God were to tell a single white lie, the whole universe would fall apart. That means that His Word would become void of power.

If this is so, we need to re-think about how lying impacts the effectiveness of the Word of God coming out from our mouth.

Lying as a lifestyle or in our daily lives may seem harmless, especially white lies and sales talk, but it actually hinders the Word of God from manifesting in and through our lives. There is NO separation between the secular and the spiritual because the Word is going to come out from your soul and body.

Death and life lies in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Lk 6:45). We speak what we believe (2 Cor 4:13).

In other words, each time when we lie (including white lies), death is released, because lying is in the realm of death. Each time when we lie, our heart is reinforced to believe in the lie, since we speak what comes from the heart. Each time when we lie, we wire ourselves to believe in lies, instead of truth.

Here's the thing. When you study the Word of God and speak the Word of God, because of lying in your daily lives, you can't get to the point of truly believing in the Word of God because your heart is living in the tension of truths and lies.

Out of the same mouth, truths and lies flow out. You cannot separate the Word of God (Truth) and your own words (lies in daily life). It's like blessing and cursing (James 3:10) from the same mouth. Therefore, you stumble (James 3:2) and become double-minded (James 1:7-8), where you don't see the Word of God manifest in and through your life.

The next time when we don't see the promises of God coming to past in our lives, don't ask, "Where is the faithfulness of God?" Instead, ask, "Have I been lying in my life, thus causing the Word to become powerless in my life?"

Friday 2 August 2024

Grace & Truth

Grace & Truth

When we lean on Truth to the extreme, we can step into legalism.

When we lean on Grace to the extreme, we can step into licentiousness.

Jesus is neither Grace nor Truth. He is both Grace and Truth.

For the law was given through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. - Jn 1:17

While Titus 2:11 says that the Grace of God (Jesus) has appeared to all men, John 14:6 says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

How we perceive Jesus not only affects how we receive from Him, it also affects how we conceive the representation of Him into the world.

One obvious misrepresentation is through the way we present the Gospel. Jesus didn't teach His disciples to lead people into the sinner's prayer. He told them to preach the Kingdom so that people could repent and believe in the King.

In street evangelism, I hardly hear the Kingdom being preached. Majority, if not, all the time, I only hear Grace being preached. We hide Truth for fear of rejection. It is often the half-preached Gospel that leads people into the sinner's prayer. I was so guilty of that.

Why are we rushing to close the deal (of sinner's prayer) when the person is not ready to repent and believe in the King? Why are we rushing to clock another testimony and showcase through the social media to the world?

Why are we trying to exalt God in the disguise of exalting ourselves and our own ego? Why are we trying to follow popularity in the expense of Truth?

I know an extremely popular figure who brought lifestyle evangelism to the world through social media. He impacted me many years ago, which was why I did the same by following what he did. But his mentor somehow never did the sinner's prayer thingy in the streets. I wondered a little, then.

Fast forward to a few years later, I understood the Gospel of the Kingdom. But there wasn't a change in how I presented the Gospel in the streets, even though I knew the message of the King. 

Last year, there began a strong nudging in my heart by God to re-look into how we present the Gospel to people in the streets. Suddenly, it clicked. The Gospel of the Kingdom must match with how we present the Gospel in the streets.

Just few weeks ago, I heard a message by Curry Blake. He shared, "God has been speaking to me this year (2024) ----- to get people truly saved and truly healed."

I truly believe that the time has come, where God is speaking to individuals all over the world to re-present the Gospel message in the streets ----- not to lead people into sinner's prayer, but to preach the Kingdom so that they could repent and believe in the King.