Friday 25 March 2022

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 2

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 2

As shared in my previous post, you are either a salesperson OR a real estate 'equip-per'. The former focuses on talking the talk, while the latter first walks the talk before sharing the true benefits experienced (first-hand) with others.

I briefly mentioned that there was a time for asset progression ----- selling your HDB flat to buy EC/private properties. There was a time to buy new launch projects to make profits. But I believe that the time is coming to an end soon.

We are now at the peak of property prices. If you are entering now, you are entering at a 'high entry price'. Yeah, there are always exceptions as some would say, such as buying at older land prices. Even so, if you are buying a development at older land prices, you would probably have missed the first wave where those buyers had already bought at a lower price.

Putting all these reasons aside, there is a spiritual war between the two kingdoms and it is impacting us both globally and eventually locally. There is an intentional operations and supply chain disruption globally. We haven't seen the fullness of its effects yet.

People are still living and enjoying their lives as if nothing is happening. As some Singaporeans continue to be materialistic and pursue lifestyle living, there will be increasing debts incurred by families as well as the nation.

There is a big gap between actual reality and perceived reality. When more things begin to unfold subtly and suddenly, it might be challenging for some to respond. As a result, the real estate market will decline before we know it, because it is moved by market sentiments. There will be people suffering losses and experiencing debts with the rising interest. There will be people who have to hold longer than they can handle.

The adoption and expansion of disruptive and digital technologies in World Bank as a result of the pan-there-meek will accelerate the pace of digital currency and might eventually crush some debased fiat currencies.

There is more to just thinking and watching the news and statistics. It is time for us to go into the secret place, pray and discern the times.

And for us as believers-who-are-also-property-agents, we need to re-think what and how we should advise our clients.

P.S: Interesting journal today by my son.

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