Tuesday 29 March 2022

Love & Truth

Love that compromises truth is humanism. So if I walk around wearing a mask (now that it's legal to walk without in the open), because I am afraid of making people scared, then it's humanism.

Truth that compromises love is separatism. So if I walk around not wearing a mask so that I can mock at individuals, that is separatism.

Love and truth as a whole is the compassion and the power of God. So if I walk around not wearing a mask yet sharing the reason (because of the Gospel) to those who ask (and are afraid), that is compassion and the demonstration of God's power.

On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out for the purpose of power (Acts 1:8). Yet the love of God was poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us (Rom 5:5). What does it mean? The power of His love is the fullness of His love. The love of God must be matched by the power of God. You cannot try to lean on either end.

It is easy to fall into the trap of humanism or separatism. But the power and the compassion of God cannot be separated or humanised. Having said that, it is impossible to please everyone. Some will see the compassion and the demonstration of God's power as foolish; some as offensive; but only those whose hearts are open and ready can enter the Kingdom of God.

Jesus and His immediate disciples preached to the multitudes, but only some responded to them. Only those who have ears to hear will hear, and those who have eyes to see will see.

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