Monday 14 March 2022

Ended 21-Day Fast for 2022

 In this 21-day fast, there was a fresh revelation on Love.

It is to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Because the power of the Holy Spirit is the main key to love. (Eph 3:16-19; Acts 1:8; Rom 5:5). God's love is already put into us (through the Holy Spirit). We just have to act upon the Word and walk it out. It is easier to act ourselves into believing than to believe ourselves into acting. The more we practise walking in love, the more our mind is renewed, and the more love becomes our lifestyle.

The second theme of this fast that came out is on finances when I step out with my family. It's to trust Him for His continual supply and ACT on His continual supply. I don't look to expenses, bills, inflation, what I have, what I am going to have, etc. Not even the money that is to come by my earning. But I am to simply look to Him ---- The Word alone. The truth & the principle of healing/health in the Kingdom applies to every single area in the Kingdom, including finances. I can trust Him to provide as I step into adventures.

Last but not least, God showed me that my discernment is going to be way sharper than before. He empowers me to discern and perceive the storms ahead so that I know how to respond in advance.

Thank You Jesus! I love You.

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