Wednesday 23 March 2022

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 1

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 1

I'm in this real estate industry for 7 years. 7 speaks of perfection/completion in the Bible. But what I'm going to share might be quite different from what you have been hearing from others.

Since learning much about the real estate in Singapore, I walked the talk by personally going through asset progression and saw the benefits of doing it. Some drive BIG luxury cars but stay in HDB flats, yet they keep encouraging their clients to go for asset progression by buying more private properties.

If we tell someone to do something that we are not doing personally, it is no different from being a religious Pharisee (except that this is a secular context). If you are not a believer, that's fine. But if you are, I see a problem with your christianity.

We must truly believe (and walk the talk) in something before we advise our clients to do likewise. Otherwise, it is pure sales tactics without life-giving impact. Yes, we need to earn money to provide for our families. But we must do so with a good conscience. Integrity is not just said by ourselves and others (cos you can still get friends or pay others to act and script it out in today's media world). Most stuff that we see in today's media is deception or disguise. Integrity is to be demonstrated and walked out by our personal life.

Nonetheless, what I'm going to share in the next post is not going to help me earn $$$. But I truly believe that the Kingdom of God must supersede my job. True integrity must be above my need for finances. Because God is My Jehovah Jireh and El-Shaddai.

There was a time for asset progression ----- selling your HDB flat to buy EC/private properties. There was a time to buy new launch projects to make profits. But I believe that the time is almost over.

In the next post, I would advise you to tread on this path carefully. Yes, I am speaking directly opposite of what the real estate industry is teaching. And this is because I have the Kingdom of God within me. And He is Greater than any human guru in the world.

Stay tuned.

P.S: God spoke to my son when he was praying last Saturday. What he recorded is extremely true.

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