Thursday 10 March 2022

A New Heart Part 3

A New Heart Part 3

Walking in love has no difference from walking in healing/health.

The Kingdom has the most consistent principle and truth. It is more 'mechanical' than you think. Because God is neither flaky nor fickle-minded. 

The Kingdom operates by faith. Faith is a decision to act on the Word of God. As shared in Part 2, the Holy Spirit whom God has given us is the representation of His love. We can let Him (Love) out by faith.

By the stripes of Christ, we have been healed. Everything in the Kingdom flows from inside out (Eph 1:3; 2 Cor 1:20; Song of Sol 4:11) ---- from our spirit to our soul and flesh. We are not the sick trying to get healed. We are the healed resisting sickness. In the Spirit, we are already healed. By faith through mind renewal (Mark 11:24; Rom 8:11; Rom 12:2), we release the healing to our soul and flesh and experience the reality of healing/health.

Similarly, love works the same way. By faith through mind renewal, we can release the love of God from our spirit to our soul and flesh, and experience the reality of loving others.

It seems hard to believe, because our soul and flesh will scream the exact opposite of faith. This is why we cannot walk by sight, but by faith. It is easier to act yourself into believing, than to believe yourself into acting.

The more we act upon the truth by loving others (regardless of emotions), the more our mind gets renewed (Rom 12:1-2), and the easier it becomes for us to love others. Before we know it, it becomes a habit and then, a lifestyle of love.

God has already given you and I a NEW heart and a NEW spirit for us to walk in. You and I do not need more inner healing of the past experiences/wounds. We just need to know our true identity (in the spirit) and walk it out by faith.

In Christianity, we begin complete (Col 2:10) and we discipline ourselves to walk out that completion so that love is perfected in us (1 Jn 2:5).

In summary, Love is a decision by an act of faith. You don't try. You trust and you do it.

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