Wednesday 2 March 2022

Holistic Trust In Jesus

Holistic Trust In Jesus

Everyone of us is growing to trust God in each area of our lives. None is perfect. And none has reached there yet. So this post is not meant to condemn anyone, but to bring us to a higher level of conviction. It also serves as a reminder for myself as I'm still growing too.

I'm a strong believer of divine healing and divine health. I walk it out and I do walk the talk as much as I can. And I'm growing in another aspect, which is to trust God deeper financially. If I have a job, that's good. If I can't have a job, I can always move elsewhere to find one. In fact, it's more convenient to stay than to leave, because I have a family.

God desires that we grow unto perfection (maturity) in every area. Yet sometimes, we can be so strong in one area, such that we overlook in other areas.

Some take poison trusting that God will protect their bodies. But on the same note, they took poison because they are afraid of losing financially. This means that they trust God for divine healing and health, but not divine providence.

Some refuse to take poison because they are afraid that it would harm their bodies. But they believe that they can find alternative income, either by relocating or other means. This is means that they trust God for divine providence, but not divine healing and health.

What if I told you that the poison is not about health? If it's just about health, it will easily settle it for those who believe in divine healing and health. What if there is more to it?

What if I told you that we can actually walk in both (divine health and divine providence)? I personally don't think that we have reached a point where there is no choice but to take poison. We haven't reached that stage yet. Taking it to preserve our reputation, social life, church membership, income, etc. IS still a choice. Nobody is putting a gun on our head to take any poison. So I don't think we have reached a point where we have no choice.

Are we choosing because we trust God in one area but not the other area? Or are we choosing because we trust God holistically?

I have heard preachers preaching one OR the other --- divine healing OR divine providence. Perhaps it's time to preach BOTH and let people know that it is possible to trust God for BOTH divine healing and divine providence.

P.S: Barring those who did not take the poison from main gathering in church also proves that ministers do not trust God holistically in divine protection from men (the fear of men). And yes, we are all still growing to trust God holistically. So don't preach too loudly until you've walked it out fully. Otherwise, it is weak without full conviction.

P.P.S: The day when more of us can trust God holistically, we will be an unstoppable force where hell can do nothing.

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