Wednesday 30 March 2022

Minister Life, Destroy Death

Minister Life, Destroy Death

Jeshua woke up feeling unwell. Wifey measured his temperature. It was 37.8. We commanded his body to be healed and fever to leave him.

Within 10 minutes, his temperature went back to 36.8. He didn't take any medication. Immediately, he's back to his normal mode. Jesus!

My wife had been hoping to get konvic whenever she went out. I said, "You won't get it, because I'm laying hand (praying) on you every day." She had symptoms here and there for the past few months but they left quickly and she kept testing negative.

Healing is central to the Gospel of the Kingdom. By understanding healing, the same principle applies to every aspect in the Kingdom. Yes, we love the miraculous. We want the instantaneous. But it is more vital to walk by faith, and not by sight, feeling nor manifestation. 

If you walk by healing, you get healing. If you walk by faith, you get everything in the Kingdom which includes divine health.

If our first line of help is not Jesus, we are no different from anyone in the world. We are in the world, but not of the world. Our solution and our answer come from above. It has to be so different that the world recognises that something is different about you because Someone lives in you.

Walking as a minority does not make you inferior or superior. But it does allow the Supreme Light to be revealed. When the whole world is running to one-way of solution, we must go to the Way, the Truth and the Life. Only by this can you give a reason for the Hope that you have. 

God is either ALL-powerful or NONE. We see what we choose when we choose what we see. For the past two years, it has been a good training for us to go deeper. If our solution has been from the world, then we will not be ready for what is to come. It is still not too late to get serious.

Instead of looking for life to be back to normal, look for LIFE in the new norm. Represent LIFE and truth, and destroy death and lies. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Love & Truth

Love that compromises truth is humanism. So if I walk around wearing a mask (now that it's legal to walk without in the open), because I am afraid of making people scared, then it's humanism.

Truth that compromises love is separatism. So if I walk around not wearing a mask so that I can mock at individuals, that is separatism.

Love and truth as a whole is the compassion and the power of God. So if I walk around not wearing a mask yet sharing the reason (because of the Gospel) to those who ask (and are afraid), that is compassion and the demonstration of God's power.

On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out for the purpose of power (Acts 1:8). Yet the love of God was poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us (Rom 5:5). What does it mean? The power of His love is the fullness of His love. The love of God must be matched by the power of God. You cannot try to lean on either end.

It is easy to fall into the trap of humanism or separatism. But the power and the compassion of God cannot be separated or humanised. Having said that, it is impossible to please everyone. Some will see the compassion and the demonstration of God's power as foolish; some as offensive; but only those whose hearts are open and ready can enter the Kingdom of God.

Jesus and His immediate disciples preached to the multitudes, but only some responded to them. Only those who have ears to hear will hear, and those who have eyes to see will see.

Monday 28 March 2022

No Middle Ground

The Gospel has no middle ground. There isn’t a nice and inoffensive truth in the Gospel. It does not allow any grey area.

Black is black and white is white. When the Gospel is preached, the problem never lies with the Gospel. It lies with the recipients. Some find it foolish; some find it offensive; some find it loving and gracious.

The issue is never about the seed. It’s about the soil. Not every soil is ready to receive the implanted Word.

Nonetheless, we need to share the Word regardless of seasons and regardless of the condition of the soil. Because the field is white for harvest.

The Gospel loses its authenticity and power when we try to sugarcoat it and provide a balanced view. Only religion requires a nice and balanced view, because it seeks to please everyone.

Faith is no longer faith if you try to mix it with carefulness and human wisdom. Jesus said, “Heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons.” When we start to reason about safety for self-preservation, we are done with faith and we are shortchanging the world with a true encounter with the Living God.

There is no more rights to preach on the pulpit when we do not walk out what we believe in the Gospel. What is left is mere motivational speech without the power of the Gospel.

Saturday 26 March 2022

The Power Of Love

1 John 4-11-15

No one has ever seen God. But if we love one another, people will see God through us. They will realise that God abides in us. Verse 13 - By LOVE we know that we abide in God and He in us, BECAUSE He has given us of His Spirit.

The purpose of the Holy Spirit is for us to receive POWER (Acts 1:8). This POWER is to LOVE. The POWER of the Holy Spirit is to LOVE like God loves. Romans 5:5 says that God has poured out His love into our hearts THROUGH the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us (cross ref: 1 John 4:13).

If I want to love like God loves, I must grow in fellowship and communion with the Holy Spirit, who is the POWER to LOVE.

To receive the Holy Spirit, you just need to believe (4:15).

Friday 25 March 2022

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 2

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 2

As shared in my previous post, you are either a salesperson OR a real estate 'equip-per'. The former focuses on talking the talk, while the latter first walks the talk before sharing the true benefits experienced (first-hand) with others.

I briefly mentioned that there was a time for asset progression ----- selling your HDB flat to buy EC/private properties. There was a time to buy new launch projects to make profits. But I believe that the time is coming to an end soon.

We are now at the peak of property prices. If you are entering now, you are entering at a 'high entry price'. Yeah, there are always exceptions as some would say, such as buying at older land prices. Even so, if you are buying a development at older land prices, you would probably have missed the first wave where those buyers had already bought at a lower price.

Putting all these reasons aside, there is a spiritual war between the two kingdoms and it is impacting us both globally and eventually locally. There is an intentional operations and supply chain disruption globally. We haven't seen the fullness of its effects yet.

People are still living and enjoying their lives as if nothing is happening. As some Singaporeans continue to be materialistic and pursue lifestyle living, there will be increasing debts incurred by families as well as the nation.

There is a big gap between actual reality and perceived reality. When more things begin to unfold subtly and suddenly, it might be challenging for some to respond. As a result, the real estate market will decline before we know it, because it is moved by market sentiments. There will be people suffering losses and experiencing debts with the rising interest. There will be people who have to hold longer than they can handle.

The adoption and expansion of disruptive and digital technologies in World Bank as a result of the pan-there-meek will accelerate the pace of digital currency and might eventually crush some debased fiat currencies.

There is more to just thinking and watching the news and statistics. It is time for us to go into the secret place, pray and discern the times.

And for us as believers-who-are-also-property-agents, we need to re-think what and how we should advise our clients.

P.S: Interesting journal today by my son.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 1

WA-R-N-ING: Singapore Housing Part 1

I'm in this real estate industry for 7 years. 7 speaks of perfection/completion in the Bible. But what I'm going to share might be quite different from what you have been hearing from others.

Since learning much about the real estate in Singapore, I walked the talk by personally going through asset progression and saw the benefits of doing it. Some drive BIG luxury cars but stay in HDB flats, yet they keep encouraging their clients to go for asset progression by buying more private properties.

If we tell someone to do something that we are not doing personally, it is no different from being a religious Pharisee (except that this is a secular context). If you are not a believer, that's fine. But if you are, I see a problem with your christianity.

We must truly believe (and walk the talk) in something before we advise our clients to do likewise. Otherwise, it is pure sales tactics without life-giving impact. Yes, we need to earn money to provide for our families. But we must do so with a good conscience. Integrity is not just said by ourselves and others (cos you can still get friends or pay others to act and script it out in today's media world). Most stuff that we see in today's media is deception or disguise. Integrity is to be demonstrated and walked out by our personal life.

Nonetheless, what I'm going to share in the next post is not going to help me earn $$$. But I truly believe that the Kingdom of God must supersede my job. True integrity must be above my need for finances. Because God is My Jehovah Jireh and El-Shaddai.

There was a time for asset progression ----- selling your HDB flat to buy EC/private properties. There was a time to buy new launch projects to make profits. But I believe that the time is almost over.

In the next post, I would advise you to tread on this path carefully. Yes, I am speaking directly opposite of what the real estate industry is teaching. And this is because I have the Kingdom of God within me. And He is Greater than any human guru in the world.

Stay tuned.

P.S: God spoke to my son when he was praying last Saturday. What he recorded is extremely true.

Friday 18 March 2022


The agenda of man subscribes to sustainability in the name of "climate change".

The agenda of the Kingdom is way bigger than the tiny little mind of unborn man. When God created the creations, He had provided everything necessary for sustainability without the control of human lives. He relinquished control so that men can have free will and dominion over creations (except the dominion of mankind).

The Kingdom of Light empowers men to take dominion over creations. But the kingdom of darkness entices men to have warped dominion ----- to take dominion over mankind.

Monday 14 March 2022

Ended 21-Day Fast for 2022

 In this 21-day fast, there was a fresh revelation on Love.

It is to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Because the power of the Holy Spirit is the main key to love. (Eph 3:16-19; Acts 1:8; Rom 5:5). God's love is already put into us (through the Holy Spirit). We just have to act upon the Word and walk it out. It is easier to act ourselves into believing than to believe ourselves into acting. The more we practise walking in love, the more our mind is renewed, and the more love becomes our lifestyle.

The second theme of this fast that came out is on finances when I step out with my family. It's to trust Him for His continual supply and ACT on His continual supply. I don't look to expenses, bills, inflation, what I have, what I am going to have, etc. Not even the money that is to come by my earning. But I am to simply look to Him ---- The Word alone. The truth & the principle of healing/health in the Kingdom applies to every single area in the Kingdom, including finances. I can trust Him to provide as I step into adventures.

Last but not least, God showed me that my discernment is going to be way sharper than before. He empowers me to discern and perceive the storms ahead so that I know how to respond in advance.

Thank You Jesus! I love You.

Friday 11 March 2022

Directing Your Path?

Directing Your Path?

We were often taught that Prov 3:6 is talking about God directing our paths as we acknowledge Him in all our ways. We want Him to show us which direction to go so that we can do His will.

If we understand Christ IN us, we will know that His will is expressed in His Word. And the direction we take, more often than not, is Him already working in us to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Phil 2:13). It is not a mysterious unfolding of His will that requires days and months of waiting upon His voice.

It is a revelation of who we are in Christ (in union) and act upon the Word (His written voice) with the desire (Ps 37:4) that He has put in us.

The ESV version has a better translation for Prov 3:6. It says, 'In all your ways 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 Him, and He will make 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 your paths.'

The word 'acknowledge' in Hebrew is 'yada', which means to know God intimately. And the word 'straight' is 'yashar', which means 'upright', where you get the word 'righteous'.

In other words, Prov 3:6 is teaching us that the goal is to 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 in everything we do, and out of that knowing, we will 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐥𝐲 in all our ways and paths.

Scriptures interpret Scriptures: Prov 4:25; 9:15; 11:5; 15:21; Isa 45:13 and many more.

God is more interested in 𝐇𝐎𝐖 we walk than where we walk. He is more interested in directing us to walk uprightly than directing our directions in life. For the way to be prosperous in the Kingdom is not about which direction to go, but by doing what is written in the Word (His will) --- Joshua 1:8.

Thursday 10 March 2022

A New Heart Part 3

A New Heart Part 3

Walking in love has no difference from walking in healing/health.

The Kingdom has the most consistent principle and truth. It is more 'mechanical' than you think. Because God is neither flaky nor fickle-minded. 

The Kingdom operates by faith. Faith is a decision to act on the Word of God. As shared in Part 2, the Holy Spirit whom God has given us is the representation of His love. We can let Him (Love) out by faith.

By the stripes of Christ, we have been healed. Everything in the Kingdom flows from inside out (Eph 1:3; 2 Cor 1:20; Song of Sol 4:11) ---- from our spirit to our soul and flesh. We are not the sick trying to get healed. We are the healed resisting sickness. In the Spirit, we are already healed. By faith through mind renewal (Mark 11:24; Rom 8:11; Rom 12:2), we release the healing to our soul and flesh and experience the reality of healing/health.

Similarly, love works the same way. By faith through mind renewal, we can release the love of God from our spirit to our soul and flesh, and experience the reality of loving others.

It seems hard to believe, because our soul and flesh will scream the exact opposite of faith. This is why we cannot walk by sight, but by faith. It is easier to act yourself into believing, than to believe yourself into acting.

The more we act upon the truth by loving others (regardless of emotions), the more our mind gets renewed (Rom 12:1-2), and the easier it becomes for us to love others. Before we know it, it becomes a habit and then, a lifestyle of love.

God has already given you and I a NEW heart and a NEW spirit for us to walk in. You and I do not need more inner healing of the past experiences/wounds. We just need to know our true identity (in the spirit) and walk it out by faith.

In Christianity, we begin complete (Col 2:10) and we discipline ourselves to walk out that completion so that love is perfected in us (1 Jn 2:5).

In summary, Love is a decision by an act of faith. You don't try. You trust and you do it.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

A New Heart Part 2

A New Heart Part 2

In the previous post, I shared that we have a New (Covenant) heart, as born-again believers. This heart does not require healing in the way that many people understand.

In order to function from this New heart & New spirit (Ez 36:26), it simply takes faith, which includes mind renewal (Rom 12:2). Knowing who we really are and living from that place (by faith) is a result of mind renewal.

That according to the riches of His glory He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡... - Eph 3:16-17

We are meant to walk by faith, not by sight. The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We have already received the power (dunamis) to love. And this love can flow out of us by faith. Faith is simply a decision to act according to the Word. You are not waiting for some feelings of love. You act on the truth despite of your feelings.

The modern Christianity today teaches more on sensuality (sight) than truth (Jn 8:32). Ministry may seem to free you from the past wounds, but only truth can set you free and keep you free. Jesus taught us to live by the Word (Matt 4:4).

Our walk is not to be moved by our past, nor our feelings, but to be moved by Christ ----- the Word made flesh.

whoever keeps His word, in Him truly 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝. - 1 Jn 2:5

The love of God is not perfected by you having feelings of compassion and love in order to express love. It is perfected by you acting upon the Word. To the degree you do His Word, to that degree the love of God is perfected in you.

In the next part, we will see how we can act ourselves into believing faster than believing ourselves into acting, when it comes to the love of God for others.

Tuesday 8 March 2022

A New Heart Part 1

A New Heart - Part 1

I saw a heart that tries to express itself in love, but at the back of the heart, it is trying hard to mend the wounds of the past. Then the Spirit said to me, "This is what My people think. But I have already given them a new heart to live out."

Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. - Ezekiel 36:26 (cross ref Heb 8:10)

Christianity is not about trying harder. It's about trusting Him more. The Old Covenant reveals that trying harder does not work. In the New Covenant, we have been made complete in Christ (Col 2:10). The Christian life is not about living towards the finished works. It's about beginning from the finished works. If we don't start where Christ has completed, we will never grow unto perfection.

Many believers often think that God has to heal their broken hearts and mend their wounds before they could really walk out in love. You cannot find any Scripture on healing the broken hearts in the New Testament except for Luke 4:18, because Jesus was sent to reach the lost sheep of Israel (and some Gentiles in the process) who were not yet born again.

Note: In fact, many early manuscripts omit "heal the broken hearts". Check out ESV, NASB and NRSV, etc.

When you are born again, you have received a new heart (Eze 36:26). God's love has been poured into our (new) hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5).

In other words, we have received the power to love, and we can express His love.

Question: What about inner healing of our heart? Don't we need it?

If you can find a Scripture in the epistles that talk about it, then I would be glad to change my mind. Inner healing is needed for an 'old covenant' heart. But God has provided a better covenant and a better way through Christ ------ a NEW heart and a NEW spirit.

We can still choose to operate from the old (covenant) heart or the New (covenant) heart. The former is of the carnal mind, while the latter is of the spiritual mind (Rom 8:5-7).

Why then do some believers feel difficult to love others because of 'unhealed' wounds? Well, this has to do with mind renewal (Rom 12:2).

In the next part, we will talk about how we can walk in our new heart and keep growing in expressing love.

Sunday 6 March 2022

2006 to 2014 Journal Books

All my hardcopy journal books since I was born again in 2006 until I switched to digital journal in 2015. They are filled with my amazing journey with the Lord.

For the sake of being a minimalist, I’m burning them so that hell can read. Kidding. Goodbye books. Thou shalt be thrown away so that your master is free.

P.S: I reckon that it is more important to have an active, living relationship with God, and having my daily bread with Him.

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Holistic Trust In Jesus

Holistic Trust In Jesus

Everyone of us is growing to trust God in each area of our lives. None is perfect. And none has reached there yet. So this post is not meant to condemn anyone, but to bring us to a higher level of conviction. It also serves as a reminder for myself as I'm still growing too.

I'm a strong believer of divine healing and divine health. I walk it out and I do walk the talk as much as I can. And I'm growing in another aspect, which is to trust God deeper financially. If I have a job, that's good. If I can't have a job, I can always move elsewhere to find one. In fact, it's more convenient to stay than to leave, because I have a family.

God desires that we grow unto perfection (maturity) in every area. Yet sometimes, we can be so strong in one area, such that we overlook in other areas.

Some take poison trusting that God will protect their bodies. But on the same note, they took poison because they are afraid of losing financially. This means that they trust God for divine healing and health, but not divine providence.

Some refuse to take poison because they are afraid that it would harm their bodies. But they believe that they can find alternative income, either by relocating or other means. This is means that they trust God for divine providence, but not divine healing and health.

What if I told you that the poison is not about health? If it's just about health, it will easily settle it for those who believe in divine healing and health. What if there is more to it?

What if I told you that we can actually walk in both (divine health and divine providence)? I personally don't think that we have reached a point where there is no choice but to take poison. We haven't reached that stage yet. Taking it to preserve our reputation, social life, church membership, income, etc. IS still a choice. Nobody is putting a gun on our head to take any poison. So I don't think we have reached a point where we have no choice.

Are we choosing because we trust God in one area but not the other area? Or are we choosing because we trust God holistically?

I have heard preachers preaching one OR the other --- divine healing OR divine providence. Perhaps it's time to preach BOTH and let people know that it is possible to trust God for BOTH divine healing and divine providence.

P.S: Barring those who did not take the poison from main gathering in church also proves that ministers do not trust God holistically in divine protection from men (the fear of men). And yes, we are all still growing to trust God holistically. So don't preach too loudly until you've walked it out fully. Otherwise, it is weak without full conviction.

P.P.S: The day when more of us can trust God holistically, we will be an unstoppable force where hell can do nothing.