Saturday 8 May 2021

The Law Of Attraction

The Law Of Attraction

Many conservative believers do not understand about the Law of Attraction. They relegate it to pure New Age Spirituality. The New Agers understand more about science and spirituality than many believers.

However, they do not have the right Source, since they are counterfeit of the Original Creator.

In science, every word has a frequency, whether it is high or low vibrational frequency. The word is produced whether you are speaking, thinking, reading or hearing it. This is why the Bible tells us to guard our mouth, mind, heart, eyes and ears. We need to take heed and watch all our senses.

Vibrational frequencies do something to our brain and our body, whether good or bad. Positive words create positive vibes and high vibrational frequencies, whereas negative words do the opposite.

According to science, high vibrational frequencies bring healing to the body while low vibrational frequencies induce disease to the body.

The Law of Attraction works in the same way, by responding to the frequencies through your words (think, speak, hear and read).

This is why we need to speak the Word, hear the Word, meditate on the Word and do the Word. Since God is the Creator of the Universe and above all, His frequency must be the most Supreme. If we align to His frequency through our words, our body will be aligned to the most Supreme realm.

P.S: This applies to other areas of our lives too.

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