Friday 28 May 2021

Is Your Gospel Relevant?

If your Gospel doesn't work in rural areas and third world countries, it is probably not the Gospel.

If your Gospel needs a certain education in order to be successful in life, it's not the Gospel, because some countries do not have access to such education.

If your Gospel needs a certain organic diet that is not accessible in those countries, it is not the Gospel. Because health is not dependent on physical materials but spiritual truths.

If your Gospel needs a certain v*c*ine to protect you, but is not accessible in those countries, it is not the Gospel. Because protection comes from the Lord.

If your Gospel can only work in certain environments and/or culture, then it is not the Gospel because the Gospel is relevant in any area/location.

There is nothing wrong to have all of the above which are accessible to us in the first world nations. However, we must be honest to acknowledge in our hearts that it is because our trust is NOT really in Him yet. Period.

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