Saturday 1 May 2021

Subduing Your Carnal Mind

Subduing Your Carnal Mind

The carnal mind is hostile against God, for it is not subject to the law of God. Nor indeed can be.

While we have the mind of Christ, we can still operate with the carnal mind if we do not learn to walk in the Spirit.

The carnal mind is in the realm of flesh and sight. The spiritual mind is in the realm of the Spirit and faith.

If we cannot subdue our carnal mind, we will live according to the flesh. One of the ways to learn to subdue our carnal mind is through fasting. It’s not the only way. It is one of the tools.

I love coffee but I am not mastered by it. Occasionally, I go on extended fast without coffee. 

On any day, I can go without coffee and there is absolutely no withdrawal symptom. Because I have trained my body not to be subjected to it. I don’t drink coffee because I need to. I drink it because I want to. It’s easy to deal with your “want” when it is not your “need”.

Fasting is a tool to subdue your carnal mind. Extended fast from food trains you to ignore your flesh and live submitted to the Word. Other than that, fasting does not bend God’s hand to do what you are asking for. Fasting does not get your prayers answered. If it does, then you need to throw away the Bible and walk out of Christ, because nowhere teaches that, and Christ must have died in vain.

If your fasting can get an anointing, that fasting must have been extremely annoying to God.

I hardly share about fasting because it is always misunderstood.  But when your stomach is shouting, “I am hungry!” You can reply back, “You carnal fellow. Shut your mouth and submit to your master, who is me.”

If we can subdue our stomach’s desires, we will learn to subdue the carnal mind and what the flesh is saying. Because if you have pain in your body, you know how to live ABOVE it. “Pain, you are just complaining in the carnal realm. You shut up and follow my words and my leading. I am master over you. You submit to my healthy body because I was healed and I’m staying healed.”

This principle works in all areas, since living in the Spirit affects all areas of life.

If you want to subdue your carnal mind, perhaps the first way to start is to subdue your stomach’s desires.

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