Sunday 2 May 2021

Fight The Enemy By Staying In Your Seat Part 2

Fight The Enemy By Staying In Your Seat Part 2

As shared in Part 1, the enemy's goal is to get you to come off your seat of identity to fight him in his earthly realm. But we need to fight to remain seated, so that we stay in the realm of faith where the enemy cannot win (1 Jn 5:4).

When you are sitting, you are not moving. If you are moving, you are not sitting. In order to stay seated, our eyes have to be set on Him (Isa 26:3; Ps 16:8). Since the nature of God is found in His Word, our eyes are set on Him when we are settled on His Word (instead of some charismatic visions).

If the Word says it, that settles it. Because our spirit is in perfect alignment with Him, what we need to work on is our soul (mind, emotions and will) and body.

All of our soul and body have to remain seated ----- in full agreement with the Word. It means that what we think, determine, say and behave are in accordance to the Word, even when we don't feel like. When we fully acknowledge who we are and what we have (identity; Phil 6), our armour is in full operation (Eph 6:10-18) and that includes slaying and crushing the enemy.

If pain shouts at you, your soul and body have to remain seated.
If lack shouts at you, your soul and body have to remain seated.

Whatever it is, being seated is the only way to win the fight, because sitting proves that your world (heaven) is more real and powerful than this world.

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