Sunday 30 May 2021

Response To Seeing Consistent Healing

I think we all believe to a certain degree that God WILL heal. So the main issue doesn't lie with believing, but doubting = unbelief = fear (since fear is not a feeling, but a spirit/attitude; I learnt this from my son some time back.

Every believer has been given the same standard of faith, and faith as small as a mustard is sufficient to move mountains. Since both believing and unbelief/doubt/fear can exist at the same time, we need to deal with the latter.

The pivoting point for me is to refuse to move my ground, despite of not seeing the result immediately (principle of the fig tree being cursed). In other words, believing without experiencing will lead to experiencing because of believing.

There is still so much for me to learn and grow into. But I realised that while anyone can walk in healing results, CONSISTENT results, however, require holiness (Jesus walked in complete holiness). I don't believe in the same way that the old school Pentecost believes ----- they (including the late John G Lake) believed that holiness leads to power. But they missed one pivotal point.

Holy living prevents condemnation of our heart, which leads to true confidence in His power to flow through us (1 John 3:21-22). While sin doesn't stop God from healing anyone, it stops us from having that full confidence in the power of God to heal anyone.

Hence, if we can grow to see His perfect love that casts out all fears (which include doubt/unbelief), we will walk in complete holiness and have full confidence to see CONSISTENT results every single time.

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