Wednesday 13 January 2016

Two Role Models

In my opinion, the two people who are most passionate about the Gospel and about living out the kingdom lifestyle are Todd White and Heidi Baker.

Both are deeply in love with God and they focus very strongly on identity in Christ. They know and live out their identity wherever they go.

They are my earthly role models.

Todd White and Heidi Baker are both prominent public figures. They preach and teach on huge platforms. Heidi Baker has seen many dead raised, blind eyes opened, deaf ears opened, etc through her ministry. If I didn't remember wrongly, she has almost 100% rate in praying for deaf ears to be opened.

Having said that, both Todd and Heidi represent the King accurately in their daily lives, while doing the 'little things.' Everywhere they walk, they LIVE out the Gospel and SHARE the Gospel. They respond with LOVE in difficult situations.

In fact, I have never seen anyone who walks like Todd White on earth.

Lord, teach me to walk like them. Most importantly, teach me to represent Jesus accurately.

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