Friday 1 January 2016

8th Anniversary

We went to Kiseki to celebrate our 8th Anniversary of being together.

While eating, I felt heat on my left knee. I knew that someone near me needed healing. I looked around but I didn't know who I was supposed to minister to.

Two youths were sitting on our left while a family was on our right. When one of the youths came back to his table after getting his food, I felt heat on my left knee again. Immediately, I knew that the healing was meant for one of the youths. As I prayed, I saw an image of a left ankle at my mind's eye.

Thus, I asked, "Does anyone of you have joint pain or injury?" The youth pointed to his friend. "He has ankle injury."

I continued, "Is it the left ankle?" He nodded.

Prayed for him. He couldn't tell the difference yet as his pain comes on and off. He will be going back for medical review as the pain comes from the bone within. I'm trusting Jesus for complete manifestation of healing.

It was a divine appointment. As I conversed with both of them, I found out that they are not only believers, but also home-schoolers!

I have been pondering on the idea of home-schooling Jeshua but I'm not sure how I can do it.

They shared some useful information with me as they were home-schooled until Grade 12 - end of JC level. Awesome!

I have met some home-schoolers and all of them are more mature than their peers. Their conversations and their way of thinking reveal strong values within their hearts.

Singapore's education system is not the best at creating solid foundation in good values. There are only one or two teachers handling a class of 40 children in a lesson. While our system creates academically-driven and intellectual students, it is very weak in creating true confidence, identity and security.

I gonna pray through about Jeshua's education. Based on current situation, it is unlikely that we can home-school him. But oh well, nothing is impossible with God.

Apparently, this divine appointment was arranged by God as one of the youths texted me in the evening. We exchanged our contact because I could find out more about home schooling from him.

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