Sunday 31 January 2016

LOVE - One Thing I Learnt From My 21-Day Fast

Today marks the last day of my yearly 21-day fast.

Dear coffee and taste bud, we will finally have our date tomorrow.

This fast has made me realise ONE thing deeply.

I have sought the Lord for many things in the past. I have pursued the supernatural, divine encounters, heaven's visitations, heart of compassion, etc. But this fast has taught me ONE simple thing.

That is to set my heart to pursue greater revelations of His love. I say 'revelationS' because it takes forever to know the unending love of our eternal Father.

Only these things last: Faith, Hope & Love. And the greatest of these is LOVE.

Knowing experientially and intimately the love of God CHANGES every single thing in our lives. 

Often, we have taken the love of God into a simple concept that we don't really deliberate twice in our Christian walk. We say, "Yes, I know God loves me and Jesus died for me. So what's next?" Well, the fact of the matter is that we have not known even a tad of His deep love towards us.

Every aspect and manifestation of His blessings comes from knowing His love personally. There is absolutely NOTHING we need to do except to know His love.

", being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height — to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." - Ephesians 3:17-18

As apostle Paul wrote, God's love is beyond knowledge. There is no way we can study or acquire enough knowledge on His love. We can memorise the whole Bible by heart and yet still not know His love. The Bible is NOT God. The Bible contains the love letters inspired by God. The Bible is not an end by itself. It is the means by which we know the heart of God SO THAT we can approach Him personally, commune with Him and encounter His amazing love.

Paul said, "For you to be filled with ALL the FULLNESS of God, you need to know His love." (paraphrased).

The fullness of God encompasses everything you can ever think of and imagine, yet it is MORE than that. It is the abundant life on earth and eternal life in heaven. It is what you find in the life of the glorified King, Jesus Christ.

FULLNESS includes divine health, emotional well-being, prosperity, peace, joy, hope, fruit of the Spirit, gifts, manifestations of the Spirit, providence, supernatural, miracles, power, influence, favour, and many more!

FULLNESS is measured by overflowing. How do we measure if a cup is full of water? When the water overflows. When we are filled with all the fullness of God, every area of our lives will overflow. Supernatural becomes natural and effortless - we can walk past people and they get healed because the fullness of God overflows from us; restaurants, shops and businesses prosper when we walk into them because the fullness of God overflows from us; situations suddenly change when we are present because the fullness of God overflows from us, etc.
Question: How do we get ourselves filled with the fullness of God?

There is no magic formula. It's not about confessing positively every day, though confession has its good. It's not about doing and living right to the best of our capabilities, though we ought to do and live right. It's not about fasting and praying and spending time in devotions, though these are great spiritual lifestyles that help us to connect with God. It's not about obeying God every step of the way, though it is vital to obey what God says. It's not about impartation and baptism of the Holy Spirit, though these are awesome encounters.

There is only ONE simple truth: knowing His love. That completes the whole equation. Knowing His love is such a simple concept, but like what I said earlier, it takes forever. Because there is no method involved. It is purely out of a personal relationship with Him.

The love of God is the only thing that will transform us from the inside out and fill us with the fullness of Him. It will transform our marriage, our earthly relationships, our career, our society, our nation and our world. The LOVE of God IS the FULLNESS of God.

I am more determined than ever to set my face and heart on one thing: to know greater revelations of His unending love.

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