Wednesday 20 January 2016

Faith Works Through Love

"...for all we need is faith working through love." - Galatians 5:6

Christianity is probably summarised in this verse. What really matters is faith working through love.

The only way we can increase our faith is by knowing experientially and intimately the love of God. Perfect love casts out fear. When all fear (together with unbelief and doubts) are cast out, what remains is boldness, confidence and FAITH.

Whatever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVE that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Mark 11:24

It is not our prayer that is going to get the answers. It's our belief. 

When the disciples couldn't cast out the demon in the boy, Jesus gave them a teaching moment, "Because of your unbelief." Jesus continued, "This kind can only be cast out by prayer and fasting."

Unbelief, doubts and fear can be cast out when we seek to know the God of love in prayer and fasting. It is not the prayer and fasting that casts out the demon. Jesus didn't fast and pray when He commanded the demon to go. He came down from Mount Transfiguration - the place of communion with the Father. It is the confidence in the love of God that enabled Jesus to cast out the demon.

Because faith and confidence always work through LOVE.

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